View Full Version : Need help with symptoms

02-05-07, 07:14
For over 4 months i've been experiencing the same discomforting symptoms. It happens everyday. My symptoms are as follows:I get lightheaded/unsteady/spaced out feeling. I dont feel as if things are spinning but more lightheaded and faint. Its hard for me to feel focused because this feeling makes me feel so light/dull and weak. It happens throughout the day but i feel that it gets worse when it is dark. My vision feels very hazy in the dark - for example, when i am in a passenger seat of a moving car and i look at the surroundings outside i feel my vision seems to be like a floating sensation.Another symptom that i've been constantly feeling is alot of body heat. My body constantly feels hot but i dont have a temperature. I don't know what this could be. Any ideas??? My ear plays up alot also... my left ear constantly crackles when i swallow and i'd feel pressure at times.I have not gone back to work at the office since Xmas last year because of these symptoms. I have done so many blood tests and brain MRI scan + seen a neurologist and all seems to be fine. The only thing that was discovered was that i had a vestibular weakness on my right side - the specialist did this test where a whole jug of cold & hot water was poured into each ear. This is supposed to cause a spinning/dizziness reaction. I was dizzy when the water was poured into the left ear but i had no reaction at all in my right ear. The balance specialist said that these results proved that i had a vestibular weakness and time will heal this issue. Its now been months and nothing feels like its improving.Just wondering if anyone at all has had the same symptoms? I want to know how i can overcome these symptoms. Its been over 4 months and i want to get back to my normal self. My doctor mentioned that anxiety is involved but i told him that these symptoms are making me anxious and not the other way around. The symptoms are ongoing and non stop - even when i am calm i would feel lightheaded, and during the time i am lightheaded there is no panic or anxiousness. It just happens.Insight please anyone?

02-05-07, 18:21
Hello there, i have had dizziness for two years and mine has got steadily worse. I have my MRI scan on Saturday, at last. They don't know what mine is but i have anxiety/PTSD and depression, so obviously they think that first i think. Mine is so severe though, can happen at anytime, night, day, all day etc. When i'm not anxious, just sitting, the same as you. I have been walking into walls and door frames with mine and can't look up or down at times as i fall over. It is very horrible to live with and at least you know what yours is and that it will improve, heal and get better with time. There are so many symptoms of anxiety and everyone is different but we do share certain things with each other, which is good as it does put our minds at rest, a little bit! I unfortunatly do not have any advice as such but just wanted to let you know that i know what it feels like and that you are not alone in this feeling. And it frightens me!! I know this doesn't help but i cannot help it, i just think that i will collapse, but two years on and i never have. Pity my brain cannot think that way all the time hey. LOL.x

04-05-07, 12:37
Sounds like it probably is mainly your vestibular weakness but if they've said anxiety could be a factor, I'd think about that. It could be that in the beginning the symptoms were causing you to be anxious, but when you become anxious your breathing changes subtly and can lead to lightheadedness, so although you might get these dizzy spells in any case perhaps you could shorten them by learning some breathing techniques just incase the anxiety is worsening it. Just a thought!