View Full Version : pins and needles, so scared

30-04-17, 17:48
I haven't been on the site for a while but am going through a really bad time at the moment.
Over the last few weeks have had pins and needles on and off all day, every day. They are in my feet and hands and sometimes they feel just like a cold feeling. I even have them in my tongue and lips. I am absolutely terrified and MS is my main concern. I saw my Gp about really bad constant headaches a few weeks ago and she wasn't concerned. this week I asked her about the pins and needles. She said it was anxiety and to come back if it was still happening in 3 weeks. I didn't tell her I have already had them for a month.
I keep going hot and cold as the panic washes over me. has anyone else experienced this? Please reply if you can give me any information/help.

30-04-17, 17:50
I get random pins and needles a few times a week - it's just anxiety.

The hot/cold flush sounds like the release of adrenaline. Also caused by anxiety.

30-04-17, 18:08
Thankyou for replying. I am feeling very isolated and very alone. My husband has been very supportive of my health anxiety for many years but I can't talk to him about it anymore. He really has had enough and I am feeling in total panic. Just a reply has helped.

30-04-17, 18:08
Welcome to the pins and needles club. It's not a fun one.

But since your at the start of this experience, please save yourself years of heartache and for the love of God - do NOT Google. No matter how tempted you are, no matter how much you think it might help, just don't. I wish I hadn't. I can't forget all the shit I've read!

But anyway, if the pins and needles are roaming around your body and in different places every day and various body parts at the same time - this is typical anxiety sensations. Or muscle tension.

MS does NOT present like that.

So don't worry. Move on. Don't obsess. Save yourself the bother!

30-04-17, 18:24
I'm also going through the exact same thing! Although mine is in my right lower leg and occasionally right arm! I'm absolutely petrified it could be MS! I also have the feeling that my leg is cold and burning! Iv had it for nearly 3 months with no explanation Iv seen three doctors who say it's not MS and Iv had a test on my reflexes and strength and also an eye examination all which havnt found anything that points towards MS but I still can't stop worrying as I don't see what else it could be.

I can seem to come to terms with the fact that's it's anxiety as everything Iv read on here people's tingling or pins and needles are in different parts of thier body where as mine is only on my right side always and it's constantly from the moment I open my eyes to the moment I fall asleep. I just don't know what to do!

30-04-17, 19:07
Thankyou both for responses. I know that I shouldn't Google - and I haven't but am caught between being desperate to and be terrified to. When I had CBT for my anxiety years ago one of my targets was not to Google. I have sent myself into panic after panic by doing so. Everytime I have a new symptom it feels like 'this is the one' that has to be something terrifying. How can you have a symptom for weeks on end?

30-04-17, 20:15
Because you can become fixated on it, so it seems to occur all the time. I don't have HA personally (thank goodness, based on what I read on here - I'm one of the lucky ones I think) but anxiety is anxiety. If I think my leg is a bit sore, I always notice it's sore - do you know what I mean?

Anxiety works in the same way. I recently went through a period of feeling loads of extra heart beats, flutters etc. I started to worry about them happening, so they seemed to happen more and with more strength. As my anxiety has improved, the frequency of them slowed and when they do happen they are not as powerful. The power of the mind is an amazing thing - for better or for worse!

07-05-17, 19:50
Hi Still feeling the same one week on. Is there anyone else who has had this for as long without it being something sinister? please?

07-05-17, 23:26
Pins and needles for over a month now. Gp didn't even entertain the thought of MS. He said it was likely to be either side effects from meds or neuropathy by a possible vit12 defect x

08-05-17, 11:08
I had this for 4 weeks on and off. At the time I was waiting to be referred to the skin clinic for suspicious looking marks on my skin...turned out to be cherry angiomas and nothing to worry about.
During the 4 week wait I experienced pins and needles in both legs and feet almost every day (it was always worse at night time and I would struggle to fall asleep). It wasn't like "normal" pins and needles either, it was more violent - if that's the right word!
It felt like I had fizzy pop in my veins.
But you know what...as soon as I got the all clear from the dermatologist the pins and needles vanished.