View Full Version : Worried about bowel cancer

30-04-17, 18:54
I always look at my poop in the bowl after doing my business, I am worried how brown is looks sometimes, like dark brown sometimes, and the shape of my poop whether this could be cancer.

I had the camera up my backside in 2013 and all what was shown was a possible small pouch which is pretty common for most people (non cancerous)

I have not got abdominal pain like I did in 2012 when I thought I had bowel cancer.

There is no blood in the bowl or when I wipe my bottom.

30-04-17, 18:58
So you're worried... because... your poo... is brown? ;)

Unless you eat and drink exactly the same thing every day surely your poop will look different every time? I never got this obsession - most people who aren't anxious flush it away without even looking, and you should do the same.

30-04-17, 18:59
So the point other than you're obsessed with your poo? :shrug:

Positive thoughts and poo threads and PLEASE --- NO PICS! :emot-puke:

01-05-17, 04:37
So you're worried... because... your poo... is brown? ;)

Unless you eat and drink exactly the same thing every day surely your poop will look different every time? I never got this obsession - most people who aren't anxious flush it away without even looking, and you should do the same.

Exactly. There are many factors involved.

I've seen mine change in consistency & colour throughout my life. I look, but I've just always done it like how people look when they blow their nose. It's just habit for me. Because of this, I've seen many differences over the years that people ask about on here.

Outside of being a robot, it's not always going to be the same. We're not designed that well.

I really hope your therapy comes through for you as your anxiety has been tough for a while from seeing you posting. Until then, try self help to see if anything helps you control some of this.

03-05-17, 08:55
Thanks I hope I get therapy soon, also worried about my itchy bottom could this equal bowel cancer I google it before and it says rare cases it could be bowel cancer. I always jump the worst thing first as I want that what I ruled out first

03-05-17, 12:05
Itchy bottom is also mega common in roids, a much more common daily complaint GP's see.

Have you been straining recently?

Itchy bottoms can also be things like sweat rashes. It's common to get things like this when the seasons change if your skin is on the sensitive side.

03-05-17, 14:23
Yes I have been straining quite a bit when I do a poo. I also wipe a bit to hard and sometimes sit down on my bottom too much. I dont think I have lost weight and no feeling of tiredness, I dont have any blood on the toilet paper or in the bowl.

03-05-17, 14:32
Straining or the runs means I tend to see mucus in the bowl. I think that's all it's going to be.

I think you are worrying about the change in bowel habits thing but with anxiety we have that anyway.

Even with blood, the most likely culprits are roids & fissures.

You've possibly got some roids flaring up.

Look at your diet, plenty of water & fibre. Bowel habits suffer a lot with anxiety.

03-05-17, 14:47

I think I need to see the GP about my bottom,

03-05-17, 17:34

I think I need to see the GP about my bottom,

Roids = Haemorrhoids, aka piles, annoying but very common and nothing to worry about. You can buy cream for it in the supermarket.