View Full Version : Uncountable symptoms, can anyone relate?

30-04-17, 19:55
I am only 19, I suffer from health anxiety disorder,mild scoliosis, bad sinuses, weird double vision that is not worsening, been having it for 6 years at least. The vision is doubled on nearby unfocused objects, whenever I change my focus to somewhere else it appears normal but the other unfocused object that was focused earlier gets doubled, this happens with a distance up to 15 meters. Far vision is all as one.
I will make a list of my symptoms:
1. Weird sensations, weakness feeling on upper body upon waking up, or sometimes even lying down, feels like there's something in my throat it's hard to explain, weird moving itchy sensation on temples, above forehead, mid-nose, cheekbones, and my vision tends to slightly move, this all improves and goes away upon getting up from bed.
2. Being extremely self-conscious of the way I talk, it feels like it is harder to talk than before or pronounce the harder words fluently, the weird thing is no one has ever noticed changes in my speech.
3. Jaw pain, upper back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, pains under my ear, back of my head, chest. Sometimes I get headaches radiating from those places up to my head/upper eyes/temples.
4.Ribs,Scalp, well apparently the entire body feels sore to the touch, this along with other pains have been ongoing and not worsening for at least 7 years.
5. Sides of tongue and the deeper side of tongue feel more painful upon biting, even sides of mouth, no idea if this is normal or not, but as I said I have noticed this 7 years back.
6. Occasional pains around my chest area, shooting pains that worsen upon coughing, but those pains are rare.
7. Fast heart rate most of the time, rushed to ER twice while thinking that I was having heart attack,stroke.
8. Sometimes it feels like my tongue could strike my airway any moment, I had a lot worse tongue symptoms that were also nonstop but thankfully disappeared, also made me rush to the hospital, an experienced doctor checked it and told me that my tongue was completely fine, how did he understand that only by normal look?
9. Redness in my cheekbones and nose that is here for 2 months, if anything yes it got better but did not completely disappear, I am white and get sunburned quite easily, I do not know whether this is the case.
10. I do scratch my legs and make them with sores, those do heal but the marks do not completely disappear or last long time before disappearing completely.
11. More than usual yawning.
12. Weakness upon yawning for few seconds, especially legs. This started on the 2nd day of paroxetine usage.
13. Head itchy when being satisfied/pleasured.
14. Upper back and entire head chills upon peeing.
15. Cold spots around body mostly upper back/spine and legs when walking, tends to happen more when I think of it.

I've had many more symptoms that have disappeared and plenty of those recent are new. I am yet to be diagnosed with something I fear. I've had blood work done, 5 ECG's, CT of brain done, 2 different neurologist visits, 3 different ENT visits, urine tests, X-ray of back and neck which found out mild scoliosis, hearing tests all clear.
I am extremely terrified, feeling like I could die from a heart attack/stroke/aneurysm/tongue blocking airway within any minutes.
I cannot enjoy anything anymore, I am unhappy, anxious and angry.
I do even go as far as hitting my own head/face when weird sensations appear.
The doctors appear to be tired of me, I appear to be tired of them, I really do think they are not educated enough, I really do have something that they don't know about.
Google is my nightmare even though I break thousands of promises to read upon my symptoms again.
I have diagnosed/misdiagnosed myself with over 100 illnesses.
I do get extremely scared when someone dies, if the person that dies is young, hell I get depressed that I am the next one to die.
Weird thing is, the symptoms I get appear to be at their worst while showing up and dramatically improve within time, or completely disappear.
I do not look ill on the outside, never have!
I don't have dizziness (used to have it years ago, like feeling lightheaded constantly) but has disappeared, or maybe I am dizzy but I don't even feel it anymore? I am washed up.
I don't have fever, nausea/vomiting, night sweats, fatigue. My balance is quite fine, my reflexes are great.
Please enlighten me, what should I do next? What tests should I do? I do fear cardiovascular problems, blood vessel problems, auto-immune diseases, what more should I look for? What possibly could I have? I am tired of being told it's all stress related, and this will never stop until I rule out EVERYTHING possible or finally get diagnosed with something.
Thank you everyone for reading this, I apologize for it being so long but this definitely eased things off for me a bit, I felt like I had to share this here entirely. Would really appreciate your helps :)

30-04-17, 20:17
I posted on one of your other threads and explained that anxiety causes all these symptoms and more. I also said that you don't need any more tests if the doctors have checked and cleared you.

You have health anxiety, it's easy to spiral out of control but let me just highlight something that stood out to me.

You say doctors are tired of you but I imagine they just don't know how to convince you that there's nothing wrong with you. You've even gone so far to say that you don't think they're trained well enough to diagnose you and that you know better than them.

If you can't accept an anxiety diagnosis from medical professionals then I don't know how strangers on a forum are going to convince you either. Reassurance doesn't work believe me, you'll keep coming here til the end of time if you don't do something to break the cycle.

I know you say that you know you have health anxiety but later parts of your post tell me that you don't truly believe it because you're doubting a doctor's training and diagnosis while seeking further tests for reassurance.

I think you're very confused and conflicted, that much is true. It's time to speak to your doctor, not about life threatening illnesses, but for your health anxiety. Once you start dealing with that you will see an improvement in your physical symptoms.

19 is much too young to be worrying about your health, best of luck and please speak to a doctor about your anxiety.

01-05-17, 21:11
I posted on one of your other threads and explained that anxiety causes all these symptoms and more. I also said that you don't need any more tests if the doctors have checked and cleared you.

You have health anxiety, it's easy to spiral out of control but let me just highlight something that stood out to me.

You say doctors are tired of you but I imagine they just don't know how to convince you that there's nothing wrong with you. You've even gone so far to say that you don't think they're trained well enough to diagnose you and that you know better than them.

If you can't accept an anxiety diagnosis from medical professionals then I don't know how strangers on a forum are going to convince you either. Reassurance doesn't work believe me, you'll keep coming here til the end of time if you don't do something to break the cycle.

I know you say that you know you have health anxiety but later parts of your post tell me that you don't truly believe it because you're doubting a doctor's training and diagnosis while seeking further tests for reassurance.

I think you're very confused and conflicted, that much is true. It's time to speak to your doctor, not about life threatening illnesses, but for your health anxiety. Once you start dealing with that you will see an improvement in your physical symptoms.

19 is much too young to be worrying about your health, best of luck and please speak to a doctor about your anxiety.

Hello. But I somehow feel like I haven't entirely explained my symptoms and there are plenty more things that I worry of having that I haven't been tested for, look at the list of the symptoms! Which one do I even explain first, this has tired me and I might even consider suicide to escape from all of this, I just want to enjoy my life without having to think about a serious disease or dying, hell I just want to be diagnosed and know my fate, this has gotten over me.

Catherine S
01-05-17, 21:30
If you are in so much mental pain that you are talking about suicide as a way out, then talk to a professional about this, not to people suffering with mental health problems. There are people who can help you If you ask. Why didn't you tell your doctor about this? It's unfair to give that kind of pressure to people supporting you here. It's not our job to talk you out of suicide. Please seek professional help.


01-05-17, 21:34
If you are in so much mental pain that you are talking about suicide as a way out, then talk to a professional about this, not to people suffering with mental health problems. There are people who can help you If you ask. Why didn't you tell your doctor about this? It's unfair to give that kind of pressure to people supporting you here. It's not our job to talk you out of suicide. Please seek professional help.


I know that I am not gonna do it, I love life, I really do, that is why I try to make everything as better as possible, I try to find out whats wrong with me then to work on making it right, I fear death, thus I highly doubt that I can do it, do not feel pressured about it, I just had thoughts of it. But one thing is for sure, I do love life and I want to live it as healthy and as good as possible but I am not allowed to, thus I am incredibly feared/anxious and angry at the same time.

01-05-17, 21:45
There's no more advice I can give other than see your doctor and ask to see a mental health professional. Even if you were to write out every symptom here it still wouldn't change my answer, this is all anxiety.

Whether you are serious or not about suicide is something none of us here are equipped to deal with. I have given all the advice I can but I don't think it's a good idea for me to look in this thread any longer if this topic is now out there.

I know you say you won't, but I'm just not willing to risk my own mental health no matter how small the risk.

Good luck, I hope you manage to speak to someone about this soon.