View Full Version : Burning in stomach fear of cancer (possible trigger)

30-04-17, 21:33
Hello all, first time poster here. First just want to say that this site has been a major source of comfort and support for me. I'm a 27 year old female who's been struggling with this particular health anxiety for almost 3 years. About two and a half years ago I started feeling a burning/acidic sensation in my stomach area. It does not come up through my throat it just stays in this one area. It happens every single day and comes and goes throughout the day, usually feels better after i eat but only temporarily.

I've seen numerous doctors who all say it is either acid reflux or functional dyspepsia and prescribe me a ppi. I had an endoscopy two years ago and it came back all clear. Also have had more recently an abdominal ultrasound, x rays, blood tests, urine test, h pylori, ekg and celiac tests that all came back clear. I'm scheduled to have another ultrasound and endoscopy next month. And hopefully an mri. I guess I'm just worried that the doctors may be missing something because I don't feel it's normal to feel something like this everyday for 2 1/2 years. It hasn't gotten worse but it hasn't gone away either. And I don't want to have to take ppis for the rest of my life.

I don't really have any other symptoms. But recently read something that really scared me about a 35 year old lady who had symptoms of an ulcer that lingered for 3 years and she was eventually diagnosed with stomach cancer. This sounds similar to me and it has really been worrying me for the last couple of months thinking maybe something was missed. Yesterday I noticed a hard lump in my armpit and of course now I think that I have stomach cancer that is spreading to my lymph nodes. I'm just so tired of worrying about this everyday. It is taking a toll on my life and I want more than anything to move on. I know none of you can diagnose me but I guess I just needed a place to vent with people who can relate.

30-04-17, 23:10
Hi there, hopefully I can help you a little here

I've suffered from GERD since I was 15 years old. The doctor who did my endoscopy said it was one of the worst cases he's ever seen and that I will most likely be on ppi meds for the rest of my life.

The burning can flare up at the slightest thing and it doesn't always travel up the throat, most of the time it stays in my chest. It's very painful but I know it's nothing sinister because I've had it for 13 years and I'm still here!

If you've had an endoscopy and it hasn't highlighted any ulcers or problems then you're all set. These tests are a little invasive and uncomfortable so you can be sure they'll look at everything so you don't need to go through it again anytime soon! I imagine they're doing more tests just for peace of mind.

The lump in your armpit could be caused by all manner of things, it's just your mind taking the worst scenario and running with it!

Keep the doctor informed but honestly you don't have anything to worry about!

All the best


Thought it might be worth mentioning that anxiety can also cause reflux to become worse while it's going on.

30-04-17, 23:18
Can't give medical advice but I highly doubt it's stomach cancer with all those tests (some recent) coming back clear! Testing/scans for reassurance isn't usually advised as it only offers temporary comfort and you question results. Been there done that! You've said numerous doctors have checked you, and not one has mentioned cancer. Hmmm... Think about that! Why does it have to be cancer? Why not something less sinister like chronic gastritis from stress/anxiety? I have gastritis/GERD and IBS from what I just mentioned, and I have burning sensations, bloating, etc. frequently! Only I can't take a PPI for reason not worth mentioning. So I take Zantac 150. Have you tried another PPI, antacids, etc.? Listen, I'm not trying to sound harsh here. I just hate to see anyone suffer like this who has had numerous doctor's check them, several scans, lab work, etc., and everything has come back clean! I understand the fear, as I actually went through breast cancer four years ago, and I have had to learn the hard way that not every ailment is cancer! One bit of advice I will tell you is to STOP googling! It will only make you go down the rabbit hole and not get out!

04-05-17, 15:49
Hi there, hopefully I can help you a little here

I've suffered from GERD since I was 15 years old. The doctor who did my endoscopy said it was one of the worst cases he's ever seen and that I will most likely be on ppi meds for the rest of my life.

The burning can flare up at the slightest thing and it doesn't always travel up the throat, most of the time it stays in my chest. It's very painful but I know it's nothing sinister because I've had it for 13 years and I'm still here!

If you've had an endoscopy and it hasn't highlighted any ulcers or problems then you're all set. These tests are a little invasive and uncomfortable so you can be sure they'll look at everything so you don't need to go through it again anytime soon! I imagine they're doing more tests just for peace of mind.

The lump in your armpit could be caused by all manner of things, it's just your mind taking the worst scenario and running with it!

Keep the doctor informed but honestly you don't have anything to worry about!

All the best


Thought it might be worth mentioning that anxiety can also cause reflux to become worse while it's going on.

Hi Mindprison, thanks for your reply. I guess I'm just confused by it because it literally started all of a sudden one day 2 1/2 years ago and occurs on a daily basis. I have been noticing a lot of burping lately when I eat or drink, I wonder if that is related? Never used to happen before.

I try to stay away from acidic foods and eat a pretty clean diet. I really don't want to be on ppi's for the rest of my life. Have you found anything that helps you besides ppi's?

As far as the endoscopy, I don't understand how I could be feeling this yet nothing was found. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that nothing was found but just confused as to what is going on if there is seemingly no cause. So that's why I want another one for a second opinion.

I saw a doctor about the lump in my armpit, she said it's a small lymph node flared up from some type of irritation but isn't concerning to her. She told me with hot compresses daily it should go down within two weeks. So I feel a little better about that.

04-05-17, 15:54
Mine started up the same way, it steadily climbed from having no heartburn to having heartburn all day every day in the space of 2 weeks. Burping is another sign of reflux and I get it often even with my medication.

There's no right answer as to why you're feeling like this but the endoscopy found nothing. I suppose the best answer is that there's no way to really tell why the reflux started but the fact they've ruled out ulcers and other abnormalities, it's a positive thing. Reflux disease is a condition that requires management but it is in no way dangerous to you.


Sorry, to answer your question whether i've found anything that helps. Not really, they tried taking me off them for a few weeks and I had to go back on them again because I was in agony. Not even Gaviscon eases it but to be fair gaviscon never worked for me. The surgeon I spoke to at the hospital (the one who done my endoscopy) said that there's a good chance there will be other medications in the future that I can replace the PPI with but right now it's better to stick with what works.

I would rather not be on them for my whole life either, but it was either that or invasive surgery (which presents its own risks) to repair the flap that eroded in my esophagus that would wear off in 10 years so i'd rather take the pills to be honest.

04-05-17, 16:12
Can't give medical advice but I highly doubt it's stomach cancer with all those tests (some recent) coming back clear! Testing/scans for reassurance isn't usually advised as it only offers temporary comfort and you question results. Been there done that! You've said numerous doctors have checked you, and not one has mentioned cancer. Hmmm... Think about that! Why does it have to be cancer? Why not something less sinister like chronic gastritis from stress/anxiety? I have gastritis/GERD and IBS from what I just mentioned, and I have burning sensations, bloating, etc. frequently! Only I can't take a PPI for reason not worth mentioning. So I take Zantac 150. Have you tried another PPI, antacids, etc.? Listen, I'm not trying to sound harsh here. I just hate to see anyone suffer like this who has had numerous doctor's check them, several scans, lab work, etc., and everything has come back clean! I understand the fear, as I actually went through breast cancer four years ago, and I have had to learn the hard way that not every ailment is cancer! One bit of advice I will tell you is to STOP googling! It will only make you go down the rabbit hole and not get out!

Thanks for your reply StephA. The problem is I don't want to take ppi's for the rest of my life, so I've been trying to find other natural remedies. It's a long process though and I haven't had much luck so far. But I agree with you and ask myself the same thing. I hate that I jump to the worst case scenario each time. I guess I am thinking the worst for this because it's been going on for 2 1/2 years and on a daily basis. So in my mind that translates to it must be something bad. I know it's irrational but that's how I feel.

And also the fact that they didn't find anything during the endoscopy. How could this be happening with no cause? So I just want to get another for a second opinion.

I have learned the hard way not to google trust me, I've been down that rabbit hole before and don't want to return. So I come here instead now.

04-05-17, 16:18
I don't want to take ppi's for the rest of my life

Look at the FODMAP Diet, keep a food diary, avoid foods that aggravate your reflux and take a probiotic. That in addition to a PPI works for both my wife and myself.

Positive thoughts

04-05-17, 17:31
Mine started up the same way, it steadily climbed from having no heartburn to having heartburn all day every day in the space of 2 weeks. Burping is another sign of reflux and I get it often even with my medication.

There's no right answer as to why you're feeling like this but the endoscopy found nothing. I suppose the best answer is that there's no way to really tell why the reflux started but the fact they've ruled out ulcers and other abnormalities, it's a positive thing. Reflux disease is a condition that requires management but it is in no way dangerous to you.


Sorry, to answer your question whether i've found anything that helps. Not really, they tried taking me off them for a few weeks and I had to go back on them again because I was in agony. Not even Gaviscon eases it but to be fair gaviscon never worked for me. The surgeon I spoke to at the hospital (the one who done my endoscopy) said that there's a good chance there will be other medications in the future that I can replace the PPI with but right now it's better to stick with what works.

I would rather not be on them for my whole life either, but it was either that or invasive surgery (which presents its own risks) to repair the flap that eroded in my esophagus that would wear off in 10 years so i'd rather take the pills to be honest.

Thanks Mindprison, I hate that you suffer with reflux too it's terrible. But it's comforting to know I am not alone in feeling this way. After this round of tests I'm going to try to move past this and focus on what works best to stop my symptoms. Going to try more diet changes and see if any of that helps.

04-05-17, 17:34
Good idea, Fishmanpa's idea of trying the FODMAP diet is a good as well by the way, it's great for reducing the symptoms of reflux and irritable bowel.

04-05-17, 17:44
Look at the FODMAP Diet, keep a food diary, avoid foods that aggravate your reflux and take a probiotic. That in addition to a PPI works for both my wife and myself.

Positive thoughts

Hi Fishmanpa, thanks for your suggestions. I have heard good things about the FODMAP diet but haven't tried it yet. I think a food diary is a great idea because as of right now I honestly don't know which foods aggravate it more. It just seems to happen at random, but I'm sure if I start a diary I will begin to see a pattern.