View Full Version : Just got an echocardiogram done

30-04-17, 22:07
So Ive been suffering with this health anxiety for a few weeks now and have had a lot of symptoms. It started it am out of the blue..what I've been told was a panic attack. Where I was not even anxious but I felt like I was having a heart attack...felt like someone was squeezing my heart and I couldn't catch a deep breath. Then rapid beat, shaking, nervousness, etc. So Ive been to the doctors five times about it. Three to the regular doctor, listened to my heart, two ekgs, I explained all the symptoms etc. Just had a blood test a few months ago too. Then two more visits to the cardiologist, one ekg, listened to heart, etc. Even had a stress test 3 years bacl. They both say its anxiety even the nurses as soon as I explained it. I have been extremely stressed leading up to the panic attack and very on edge about everyones health around me. So the other day I got the echocardiogram and the doctor says I have an "extreme case of a healthy heart". But I still get nervous, have nearly constant tightness in my left chest, small palpatations randomly, etc. Even though the tests all came back normal I'm still scared about my heart, has anyone else dealt with this same feeling?? Would all of those tests coming back fine really prove its just anxiety?...

30-04-17, 23:00
I've been having similar worries as well, the fact you've been for all the tests and been told your heart is healthy is a good sign. I promise you these tests don't miss a thing, doctors take these tests very seriously so you'll be fine.

I know it's hard to convince yourself sometimes but anxiety can cause all those horrible symptoms and more. If you've had all the tests then 100% it's anxiety.

Hope this helps!

30-04-17, 23:05
Would all of those tests coming back fine really prove its just anxiety?...

Yes! I have heart disease and know first hand what it's about and I WISH I had the clear results you've had!

Positive thoughts

30-04-17, 23:50
Trust the two that commented! Their replies always calm me! I seriously search out their posts and comments! Also with all your testing I'd say you have a very healthy strong heart in that chest!

01-05-17, 13:24
Thanks for all the replies, it makes me feel better hearing that I should be ok...even if I've heard it a ton before already. The worst part about it is hearing you will be fine over and over again but still feeling like something is wrong. I always think I'm so rare case, the tests missed something, etc. Especially cause the symptoms persist for so long even after a clean bill of health. I just need to convince my mind now that I'm fine.

01-05-17, 14:28
Convincing ourselves is the hardest part! Trust me I know this! If you ever wanna vent or just talk message me! I could so use an ear at times too!

01-05-17, 23:48
It absolutely is! But I've found the more I think about them the more I get them. So I try to keep as busy and distracted as I possibly can...and also think about things I have to look forward to if I am just idle. Yes! It is great talking to people dealing with the same thing. My dad has a friend in Michigan who has massive anxiety and has dealth with everything imaginable so sometimes I'll talk to him on the phone to realize I'm not really that bad and others can realate tp my feelings and symptoms.