View Full Version : Derealization and Solipsistic Notions

01-05-17, 14:06
Only read this if you have dealt with Solipsism or if you are more resilient to fear inducing thought loops. I don't want anybody else to get this, and I know the irony in that.

I went through some pretty moderate Health Anxiety last month and now that it seems to have died down I think I've latched onto something else to torment me. A group of likely coincidences and misrememberings have brought forth obsession and fear over the reality I now live in. And ironically, the unreality of the situation seems so very real.

I think it snowballed after one night where I looked at my digital clock and it appeared to go backwards in time by a few minutes, several times throughout the night.

Memories that felt concrete are now apparently wrong.

Every time I operate a computer or anything technological I get weird glitches like information being presented twice in Spotify, and Amazon, and I've also noticed the same information being presented twice in real life two brand of store twice within 200 metres at the bottom of my street or receiving two identical pieces of mail from my Dentists - which may be partially explained by the fact I live with my brother but it's still weird.

Objects also seem to move about my room without me touching them.

And people who I've known for a while seem to be doing things that are very off character for them.

This seems like a really small list but there are so many other weird things and contradictions to what I thought I knew all my life that have happened lately and they've given birth to various scary notions like Solipsism or that I'm living in some kind of inconsistent simulation. I'm really susceptible to these lines of thinking, and have fallen into these thought patterns before to a lesser extent.

The problem is when these things happen they seem so real or entirely too coincidental, and I immediately look for rational ways of explaining them and disproving them and sometimes I can't find any. I'd like to just let it go, but I have this irrational fear that the frequency at which these events are happening now means something is going to happen and I have no idea what but I'm terrified. I had my first session with a therapist on Friday and he asked me to look into ACT and work on the notion that my thoughts are separate from me but I don't really know how to do that.

I know how it seems like an oxymoron, coming here for help despite the fact I'm entertaining the idea of Solipsism/Brain in a Vat, but that doesn't making the feeling any less real. I just want to know how others beat this thing. I had it before to a lesser extent and it just went away when I busied myself, but I spend a lot of time on my own now which gives these thoughts time to gestate.

01-05-17, 16:12
Hi Apothwhile While I don't understand this condition You do have empathy from me:) I can actually relate to these technical issues you mention like for eg on my PVR (freeview recorder) When I am watching a series and I have watched a episode then deleted the episode and go in to the next episode certain part from the previous episode are there again even that episode has not been watched till I watch it ?? (and it says new so know I haven't watched it) It's not a question of the next episode showing a bit before to remind the viewer in this series it just doesn't happen on this programme, and Iam thinking WTF is going on. Duplicate emails too are being sent but could probably put that down to the person sending the same one twice but the first problem I cant explain how weired is that?? As for your clock going back wards has this happened before to you?

What is interesting is you mention objects moving around on their own are you fully awake at the time? I mean I am not sure about ghosts and poltergists but again I cant offer any reasonable explanation for this thing.

Glad you are seeing a therapist though! Hope it goes well for you :) Think you have hit the nail on the head the fact that you aren't busy is only making these problems much worse so suggest you try and do something to keep you busy, wether it's just a walk to clear your head or listening to your favourite music for me it has to be Enigma very chiiled out with a good base line to it. Cheers

02-05-17, 01:37
Just sharing similar experiences does make me feel better, so thank you for commenting.

Technology is imperfect, and I feel like I'm probably just noticing glitches that other people would pay no mind to and drawing bizarre conclusions just because of the state of my mind. I also have bad short term memory when anxious so that could also explain things moving or forgetting things.

When I was deep in my Health Anxiety It was as if the wiring in my brain had gotten tangled up. I'm probably just still there.

P.S. I'd love a mischievous ghost to be honest :), compared to the weird feeling that reality is collapsing.

02-05-17, 05:06
You want the OCD board more for solopsism. It tends to come up on there but it's not something seen very often on here.

There was a longer thread about this on there which hopefully will give you some ideas about how other members have tackled it:


Aside from that there seem to be issues with bias & misperception of events. Do you find yourself worrying about coincidence? I ask because I know other members who have found themselves questioning reality in this manner i.e. have I seen that person before and panicking it means something when it is likely that they have seen that person before but their subconscious can compare memories of the whole image seen as opposed to how we tend to notice what is in the foreground.

That type of stuff can easily feed DR concerns.

02-05-17, 07:15
Just sharing similar experiences does make me feel better, so thank you for commenting.

Technology is imperfect, and I feel like I'm probably just noticing glitches that other people would pay no mind to and drawing bizarre conclusions just because of the state of my mind. I also have bad short term memory when anxious so that could also explain things moving or forgetting things.

When I was deep in my Health Anxiety It was as if the wiring in my brain had gotten tangled up. I'm probably just still there.

P.S. I'd love a mischievous ghost to be honest :), compared to the weird feeling that reality is collapsing. Np :) Yeah tell me about too much of it about for my liking!! I will put things down and then forget where they are and oh I don't remember putting that there either, Yeah short term memory bad just like yours so you aren't alone! Hmm I am open minded on ghosts,ufo's etc! So you would like to see a mischievous ghost and it wouldn't freak you out? Cheers