View Full Version : Even on your good days,is your panic ever far off?

01-05-17, 16:31
It's like I'm carrying around with me a lingering fear of having another panic attack. Always.

01-05-17, 18:31
Me too. I'm always conscious of my anxiety. On a rare occasion, I'll forget about it for a couple of hours, usually when I'm at work or having a really good time with friends/partner, but it always lingers at the back of my mind.

01-05-17, 20:19
I used to feel that way, but with the right amount of self help you can lose the fear of anxiety. It's that fear of fear that's the main real cause of issues for people I think.

01-05-17, 20:37
I agree with you, anxiety is fear. Learning to accept the fear is the biggest battle for me. If I could figure that out, I wouldn't have anxiety. What a cycle!

01-05-17, 21:26
Well it's not actually that hard to figure out (so to speak), the hard part is putting it into practice, or rather challenging.

It's a matter of telling yourself over and over again 'I'm safe', 'This will pass', 'I'm not in any danger' etc etc. I combined that with meditation which serves the dual purpose of overall relaxation but more importantly teaches the brain to accept and allow any and all feelings to happen without instant reaction.

It takes time, but it definitely works wonders.

01-05-17, 21:58
Recently I feel like I'm always one step away from a panic attack. I just kept reminding myself that it couldn't hurt me and at this point the only thing I was scared of was the thought of having another attack. Once you remove the danger from the equation, it makes things more bearable.