View Full Version : Sudden onset, not all the time throat feels restricted, gets worse as day goes on

01-05-17, 19:14
2 weeks back I had an infection in one tonsil and sore throat, saw my GP who said it was nasty and that my glands were up in my neck, gave me antibios as I had been getting over a chest infection.
At that same time I had this off feeling around the area of my adman’s apple, like it was being partly closed off, a sort of swallowing feeling despite not swallowing if that makes sense?

It was put down to the infection and while that has gone this sensation has not.
I am very scared to be honest.

Feels like something stuck there, like if you don't chew bread properly and swallow it. I can eat and drink, drinking water it feels like it takes time to finish going down. Almost like you have a lot of phlegm in your throat and should clear it.

I have suffered with nasal drip for 10s of years and always have to clear my throat out every morning.

Please help?

01-05-17, 19:39
Maybe ask your doctor about a regular allergy medication. Both my wife and I suffer from allergies and take an OTC antihistamine remedy daily.

Positive thoughts

01-05-17, 20:10
Maybe ask your doctor about a regular allergy medication. Both my wife and I suffer from allergies and take an OTC antihistamine remedy daily.

Positive thoughts

Many thanks, I could try taking a Claritin right now, good idea!