View Full Version : Elevator Drop Feeling

02-05-17, 02:10
Anyone ever feel like they're sinking or being dropped from a high height while they're just relaxing or walking or doing other normal everyday things? For the last few weeks I've been having this very slight but still off-putting feeling as if I'm going down in an elevator or like that sudden feeling you get when you go down a drop on a rollercoaster. Doesn't put me into a total panic, just more annoying rather than anything else.

Ugh...anxiety why the f*ck can't you just go away?!

02-05-17, 04:23
YES, and when I tried to explain it to my doctor she said she couldnt understand what I meant. It feels like im sinking through the floor and it comes out of the blue when im walking. I have had ot before a few years back and then it started again about a month ago.

02-05-17, 04:37
OMG it sucks!! Like seriously sometimes it can make me a little nauseous and it definitely makes the anxiety and paranoia so much worse. I really don't want to deal with this for much longer. I mean is it really just anxiety or BPPV? Ive read a few things saying it points to vertigo

02-05-17, 04:42
I wish i knew the answer, When I was getting it a few years back I was going through a lot of HA issues and then a month ago i started having weak legs and started worring about my health again and bang it started again. So freaking annoying. And it always happens to me at work so im stuck panicking alone grr

02-05-17, 05:16

There are some good threads on here about BPPV. Some people on here have been through it and if I recall rightly there are basic manipulations that can be acheived at home to deal with it.

I know I saw some on this board and maybe Symptoms (somewhere). If you searched on the HA board I recall pulisa talking about it. I think it was on a thread started by Bonnibelle. Debs71 was on there discussing it too and she used to be a nurse.

I've had it too when going up stairs but only a few times. I felt unbalanced and momentarily dizzy. I've definately had it when in bed but this is a well known sleep phenomena which is completely normal.

02-05-17, 06:03

There are some good threads on here about BPPV. Some people on here have been through it and if I recall rightly there are basic manipulations that can be acheived at home to deal with it.

I know I saw some on this board and maybe Symptoms (somewhere). If you searched on the HA board I recall pulisa talking about it. I think it was on a thread started by Bonnibelle. Debs71 was on there discussing it too and she used to be a nurse.

I've had it too when going up stairs but only a few times. I felt unbalanced and momentarily dizzy. I've definately had it when in bed but this is a well known sleep phenomena which is completely normal.

Hey thanks! Ill look into those posts. And I too have the hypnic jerks when falling asleep which I know is a well known anxiety symptom. We all have it at some point but having it almost every night is common of anxiety sufferers apparently. I had a bad fit of BPPV a little over a month ago after falling and bumping my head so I wonder if this could be from that? IDK I feel like it seems unlikely but who knows, maybe the BPPV never really left me. I suffered from that for about 2 weeks after the fall.

What you say Crazy1 makes me think that it is also heavily anxiety dependent because I am in the middle of a somewhat relapse of my anxiety and depression. Sometimes I'll literally just be eating or watching tv and I have to catch my breath because this dropping sensation is so sudden.

30-06-17, 21:49
I ****ing hate this, ive been having this for over a year now. Some days better somedays worse, it all started in army where i was really stressed. No one seems to know what the **** it is. I would do anything to be normal again, im still just wondering if this all can be just anxiety.

01-07-17, 00:51
Hey Baly....from what Ive researched and discussed with my doctor its a form of vertigo. This combined with anxiety and the ragged breathing makes it seem like you aren't getting enough air and losing a grasp on your own body weight if that makes sense. The falling sensation is pretty well related to anxiety. For me, crossing my legs have helped

Gary A
01-07-17, 01:32
This symptom can be caused by a sudden blood rush. Your stomach and digestive system need a constant supply of blood to aid digestion, but in moments of high anxiety the fight or flight mode triggers a response that makes the blood supply to your stomach all of a sudden rush to your extremities.

This can cause feelings of "dropping", as your stomach starts to feel almost weightless in comparison to your arms, legs and head. Of course, this is only one way in which anxiety creates this symptom, there are many others.

03-07-17, 02:33
I get this when extremely stressed and or exhausted. The description is perfect, feels like the earth below me is a moving elevator. I thought I was dying for a few days the first time it happened. Now I just remember to eat, hydrate, rest, and not drink too much alcohol during times of hard work, high-performance, and late nights. Still, I thought I was the only person who perceived this... Anxiety is so weird