View Full Version : explainin

29-10-04, 22:26
Hey, im 16, in 5th year at a big scottish high school (1600 peeps! it amazes me that number! its just so many!) I suffer from anxiety problems and panic attacks if i sit still too long or have too long 2 think. Ive seen my doctor and been refered somewhere but its takin forever! (and i forgot to ask how long it would take cos i was so worked up at the docs!)

I hadnt been able to go to classes for about 6 weeks or so now, but i am making progress, for example i went to a biology class on weds and a home eccies class on thurs, but today i didnt manage any. My mum and dad dont really understand and i feel horrible because i think they think im just bein akward, but as i hope youll understand it is really difficult.

And last night (thurs) My guidence teacher called the house to speak to my mum, to say he thinks i should drop a subject and that my mum, dad, him, my head of house, the educational psycologist and me were to go to a meeting on tuesday. I really didnt want to and id already told the educ. psyc. tht i really didnt want to, and shed sed, ok, wel find another way you dont have to go. But they went and arranged it anyway! My mum and dad are working so its been called off, but i was so upset and stressed out about both the meeting, and being told to drop a subject, so i didnt sleep well and i think that contributed to me not managing to go to any of my classes today.

But when I couldnt go to a class today and told my mum she was like "but you had made such good progress," and tutted. Why must they put the extra pressure on me? and the other one thats a usual comment is "you'll fail if you dont go back soon, youll fall behind" but i am keeping up with the work in 4 out of 5 subjects, and the fifth the teachers going to catch me up on next week! I just dont know how to make them understand, or feel what i am feeling! If only we could do that freaky friday thing, where they live each others life for a while.

Anyway, i said "if it will amke you happy ill aim for 2 classes a day next week" and she said "theres 6 in a day, its hardly gona help you pass" I just dont know how to make her understand!!!!!!!!!!! And now if i dont go 2 2 a day ill feel really bad, and shell say that i said i was gona, and ill let everyone down. Im so amazingly panicky and stressed just now, for a friday night!!!!!! And i have the whole weekend to go!!!!!!!! Ill calm soon.

Thanks for reading, any advice appreciated of course! xxxx


30-10-04, 11:00
xlauracx yes it does take so long to see anyone regarding anxiety jelp. and as for your parents not understanding I dont think noone who hasnt suffered can understand as its a invisable illness, I think even a lot of doctors dont even understand us. You parent are not being nasty to u I am a parabt and think they are really worried to about you not doing well at school. You couls get them look at this site and get them read some of it or even get your mum to into chat and talk to someone here who would tell her that you realy cant help it. other than that I realy dont know what to sugest. all the best for now take care Vernon/

30-10-04, 13:18
hello there,

People who don't suffer from anxiety find it very difficult to understand anxiety so you shouldn't blame your parents too much - it's not their fault!! It must be very difficult for you to deal with school. I'm at university and I know how hard it can be. All you can do is try to attend as many classes as you can - try to push yourself a little farther each week and slowly get back on track. Good luck!!

Sarah :D

30-10-04, 16:34
hiya laura

i know how u feel, my parents think i pulling it on as an act to get me out of lessons.

why dont u write a letter to ur mum and dad telling them about ur feelings and how u feel everyday, it didnt work for mine but im sure ur parents are alot more understandling then mine, ur lucky for ur parents to nearly go to the meeting, mine wouldnt give a monkeys. anyway, or just talk to them, dont let them talk until uv finished.

pm me if ur getting more probs at school, im starting to feel the pressure with my gcse's

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

30-10-04, 19:02
it is a shame that anyone has to suffer from anxiety but it must be hard for you at your age - but there is hope for all of us and as far as support and help you have come to the right site
x david