View Full Version : Trying to control it

02-05-07, 15:03
Hiya everyone,finding things tough at the mo.I know exactly why i'm anxious i think anyone would be so i'm doing all i can to keepit under control.I have my own business, a florist shop,two children and 4 dogs and am in the process of moving house.For the past few months i've been having problems with my right ankle,been clicking all the time and feeling uncomfortable but not painful.Then just over two weeks ago i tripped over my pc leads and now i am in so much pain i am housebound :( Have seen doc and have had myfirst appointment with a physio,seems i have tendonitus and its very very painful.I feel very panicky and overwhelmed by my situation.My part timer at work is doing what she can to help and my childminder is taking the kids to and from school and my ex boyfriend has come to stay for the week to help out which is so nice of him.I really don't know how long this is going to last but i feel so anxious.I ama hugely independent person and i find it so very hard to let people do things for me but i'm just having to until i get my foot sorted.Myhead feels all weird from the painkillers so thats not helping.Any get well vibes very much appreciated.
Ali xxx

02-05-07, 15:24
:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:


Anyone would be anxious in your situation. I know it's difficult to ask for help sometimes, but you should take it while you can - you deserve it hun.

Hope things improve for you soon.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

02-05-07, 15:39
:hugs: Sending you lots of get well vibes and a big hug :hugs: xx

03-05-07, 04:44
Anyone would feel anxious in your shoes, so try to sit back and accept what you can't change, take the help and let your foot get better. Just a suggestion, could you try anti inflammatory gel that you rub onto your foot rather than swallowing things that affect your head? In the meantime, I hae a hug and hope things get better for you.

03-05-07, 08:24
Hi there thanks for your get well wishes.I've tried the rub on gel it doesn't help at all unfortunately.Have woken up in a fighting mood today,am determined not to let this beat me.
Ali xx

03-05-07, 08:58
Hi alihud
I had the same problem a few years ago and my doctor recomended that i bought i tens machine
I bought one thinking here goes more money wasted but i was wrong it really did help and i have used it for so many different things ache in back neck ache constipation you name it you can use it
hope your foot is soon a lot easier

03-05-07, 09:56
Hey that sounds like a good idea>how long did it take for you to recover?

03-05-07, 10:09
Massive good vibes coming your way Ali hun!!


Piglet :flowers:

03-05-07, 10:32
No wonder you're feeling down ali.....


.....hope things improve for you real soon.:flowers:

03-05-07, 21:28
it took about 4 days to get rid of the woerse pain then i used it once a day for another few days and it cleared it up completly
hope it is a little easier

03-05-07, 21:47

Here's hoping you will soon be back on your feet.

Ray xxx