View Full Version : Running Out Of Options.....

02-05-17, 09:17
Hello. I haven't been around here much for a few months. My DPDR is still pretty bad. Numbness in my arm and leg has been on and off. Anxiety isn't nearly as bad as it was a few months ago. I finally managed to see a GI doc to tell him about the persistent burning pain that magically disappeared a couple months after it started. Have been trying different kinds of vitamins and diets to control my symptoms. Realized that gluten is a possible trigger although I don't have celiac disease.

Worst symptom is possibly the weight loss. Haven't changed my diet much, as a matter of fact have been eating more, and now I'm sitting at around 130 pounds which is underweight for me. Doc saw me shaking my leg in the office and stuck me in the ass with "anxiety/depression" after he did an ultrasound. He probably thinks I'm anorexic too. What a jackass. He referred me to a follow up with a "wellness center across from the hospital. You could see how well the people there were just by looking at it. There were homeless people outside sleeping on newspapers, iron bars on the windows, crap on the walls, and trash everywhere. Looked like a place for total nutjobs. I was negative for H pylori infection, but it turns out Indo have GERD/LPR which I've been ignoring for god knows how long because it never really bothered me that much. Anyhow, I'm just going to get a GP and try for a physical, and if that comes out perfectly fine I'm just going to assume its anxiety and request to be put on a different SSRI than the one the hack doctor put me on that sent me to the hospital.

I'm really, really tired of the DPDR. I'm so bored all of the time and it bothers me so much it feels like my peripheral vision is out of whack and it makes it a challenge just to even try to watch TV or read. I don't think I'm going to go to therapy just so some ***hole can look at me and tell me I'm crazy and that the DPDR is my fault or something, just so I can diagnose myself with Lyme and end up like some of these other crazy people.

Anyhow, I would just like to know if anyone has experience with DPDR or severe anxiety symptoms. I've been kinda worried about MS as my aunt does have it but she's in her late 60s and she was just diagnosed last year. The weakness in my arm and leg comes and goes but there is no tingling which makes me skeptical. Really the only thing I would like at this moment is to be able to watch TV or Movies again as it helps me from looping my thoughts. Thanks.