View Full Version : Shaking hand/Tremors/Jitters PLEASE PLEASE HELP

02-05-17, 19:52
For the past few months I've been worrying about my hands. I started with health anxiety in December about a MS. All luke legs went numb and I had a variety of weird symptoms, one being jittery thumbs. Since I had an MRI Scan all my symptoms subsided other than my hands. I'm conscious a lot of the time and checking them. But recently It's became more prominent in one hand (left hand Im left handed). When I hold my hand out it jitters and then stops but my right hand doesn't do this. Also when I'm writing it very slightly shakes. It has not stopped me doing anything upto now other than really distress me as I worry it will get worse and stop me doing all of the jobs I wish to do in the future. I'm 22 year old female with no family history of tremors :'( does this sound like anxiety? This is driving me crazy and is ruining my life because I can't stop thinking about it. :weep:

02-05-17, 20:07
If you've had an MRI that means you can put MS fear behind you. It doesn't present in various body parts simultaneously anyway.

02-05-17, 22:07
Slight tremors are very normal even in non anxiety sufferers. When it gets to the point where you can't write or hold a fork then its something you should bring up to your doctor. But we all have tremors of some sort. Anxiety does make them worse; try holding your hand out taking a few deep long breaths and see if that helps with it.

03-05-17, 14:40

Just wanted to pass on some first hand experience... about 6 months ago I noticed all the things you are describing. I would notice my hands shaking and then constantly check them. It was especially bad when I was holding my phone and my thumb would tremble. I would wake up in the morning and check my hands.

Then I went through a major life chance / moved. I was so busy that I forgot to worry about my shaky hands... and now they are fine. My hands still shake if I am really paying attention to them, but what I realized is that they've always been like that and it was just my anxiety causing me to notice and freak out about it. Then they shook worse because i was anxious.

I promise you, you are fine :) try to put it out of your mind and soon you'll. Arely notice it anymore.

03-05-17, 17:41
Thankyou so so much! You have really give me reassurance saying that! Hopefully mine is jusy anxiety like yours ☺️☺️