View Full Version : Health anxiety getting me down again

03-05-17, 01:24
I've had this health anxiety for almost a year now. My anxiety use to only be social anxiety throughout my life but in 2016 health anxiety was triggered by the death of a loved one. Does it ever get better? I just want to be the happy worry free person I use to be before the anxiety and the symptoms. Everytime I start to feel happy about life again my thoughts of something bad happening fills my mind and I go back to be scared, anxious and full of health worries all over again. Does any one have any suggestions to overcome this??

03-05-17, 04:18
I've been dealing with the same thing for about a month now. It seems like the more you think negatively the more symptoms you get. It seems like sometimes the thoughts come out of no where. I can be having a great day then all of a sudden it comes over me like a storm cloud and I struggle to stay positive. Sometimes its a symptom like a palpatation that sets it off. Ive found for me what helps is constantly staying busy, making goals and plans to look forward to, doing relaxing activities, read books about anxiety, drive, act very calm, avoid intense situations and people, try not to say negative things and always think positive, talk to people..(even though I tend to avoid conversations), do my hobbies, or even challenge yourself when you feel bad and worried about your health. For example...Mine is that I have a heart issue after having my heart feel like it was being squeezed after a totally random first time panic attack. So naturally I thought I have heart issue... but one day I went to sky zone with my friends and was having fun and bouncing like a maniac and playing dodgeball for two hours. Some of us were exhuasted but I felt pretty fine with no symptoms...so I figured... if I am able to do that intense of a workout and not die I REALLY MUST be totally fine. Over the past few weeks I have definately calmed down. I also had bad symptoms and extreme nervousness for weeks too until I took this Loraxapam... apparently I was in an amxiety rut and needed to see it truly was amxiety causeing my symptoms...I took that for about a week and feel much better now...not 100% but definately improved.