View Full Version : Tremor? Shaking? Jittering Hand PLEASE HELP

03-05-17, 07:55
For the past few months I've been worrying about my hands. I started with health anxiety in December about a MS. All my legs went numb and I had a variety of weird symptoms, one being jittery thumbs. Since I had an MRI Scan all my symptoms subsided other than my hands. I'm conscious a lot of the time and checking them. But recently It's became more prominent in one hand (left hand Im left handed). When I hold my hand out it jitters and then stops but my right hand doesn't do this. Also when I'm writing it very slightly shakes. It has not stopped me doing anything upto now other than really distress me as I worry it will get worse and stop me doing all of the jobs I wish to do in the future. I'm 22 year old female with no family history of essential tremors :'( does this sound like anxiety? This is driving me crazy and is ruining my life because I can't stop thinking about it.

09-01-18, 23:09
Bit late on this post but ive also started having bad health anxiety, ive now moved onto MS worries and me too my left hand mainly is shakey / unresponsive, but im constantly channeling my focus on that hand it makes it worse. I think both cases are anxiety and in time hopefully pass!

10-01-18, 09:43
Hi there,

I get shaky hands a LOT especially when I haven’t eaten like normal or am extremely anxious. There is no miracle cure for this except to try to relax when a bout comes on, sometimes it can be constant with anxiety as the adrenaline circulating around your body can cause them to shake quite badly. Very happy for you that you had a clear MRI which signifies that this is purely anxiety, and I feel that the more you panic about your hands the worse they will become. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you & I’m a similar age to you so I often think “I have my whole life ahead of me and whatever happens will happen” in a positive way. Sometimes we lose the ability to control our thoughts which is perfectly normal but you don’t need to suffer anymore. Maybe you should see your GP and explain how anxious your hand jitters are making you feel? They may give you something to calm you down there’s no shame in it. Wishing you the best:hugs:

Peace and love

10-01-18, 11:46
Thinking of tremors deffo increase them