View Full Version : recurrent UTIs

03-05-17, 16:25

I have been having problems with urinary tract infections this year. I am otherwise healthy (if a bit health anxious) but since February this year i have had a nightmare with these things. The unusual thing is that i am male and young (<40).
I was initially given antibiotics as it was clear to the GP i had some infection albeit they weren't sure if it was UTI or something else. I had a fever, fast heart rate and generally felt unwell. The antibiotics worked but two weeks later i started getting symptoms again. I went back to the GP and was given a different antibiotic. Again same story, things improved but then a week or two later the symptoms started coming back. I went back to the GP and they gave me antibiotics again but also referred me to a urologist. He examined me and did a urine culture which came back negative despite the dipstick showing white cells in my urine. He also referred me on for a scan and ultrasound. These actually suggested a small stone in my left kidney. My blood tests suggested an infection. Despite this i was told me to stop the antibiotics which i did. Unfortunately this led to gradual worsening of my symptoms. I also had a CT scan which showed no abnormalities in my urinary tract but did find diverticular disease.
Without treatment my symptoms got worse and worse and last week i ended up with a very high fever and really unwell so much so that i had to be in hospital for a couple of nights on IV antibiotics. I have since been discharged and put on oral antibiotics.
I am now in a state of constant worry as i expect the thing to come back and make me really ill again. What is more, there is still no clear cause that has been identified for these infections. It is obviously reassuring the CT didn't show anything awful but i am still very worried as i don't know what is going on. Has anyone had anything similar?

thank you!