View Full Version : Please Help Me

03-05-17, 16:37
I went to see a Nurse Practitioner regarding a skin lesion I found on my arm, not a mole as such more of an elevated bumpy hard bit of skin big enough for it to grab my attention. I told her about my current bout of health anxiety especially around skin cancer. She took a look at it and said it's fine no pigmentation present but to keep an eye on it. I walked away relieved until today and it's changed it's now got more elevated with a prominent skin coloured spot inside. I'm now trying to calm myself and think rationally, I wore fake tan at the weekend and reminded myself not to freak out when I woke on the morning and it would have changed colour but I didn't prepare myself for it to elevate. I'm trying everything, tablets, therapy, mindfulness but I just symptoms just seem to be coming with a vengeance to test me, then I convince myself that I'm right and this is it this time as there is only so many times I can get it wrong and I'm tempting fate by not worrying. How do I think enough is enough and accept that maybe I'm over reacting and it's just a simple skin condition but then again what if I blame my anxiety and I don't follow my concerns through. It's so confusing and so upsetting, how do people manage this battle!? Any advice would greatly be appreciated, I can feel the terror rising and my legs starting to shake x

04-05-17, 12:46
Please, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to cope

04-05-17, 15:46
It is more than anything anxiety. i had a similiar thing below my eye. i got petrified it was skin cancer, but all in all it eventually healed normally with the proper ointments was ok. also for what you discrubed which is probably nothing, were basal cell it is almost 100% curable. but again i am no doctor.

04-05-17, 16:16
Thank you for replying. I don't know how I expect the people here to support me I just know I can't cope no more. I know ur right but my brain will just not allow me to reason with my inner self. I don't know what else I can try and do. I'm not managing this anxiety at all

04-05-17, 16:20
Trust me i am right there with you. i have been suffering with my own bout since 2012. in 2012 i had health anxiety but never dealt with it and had a 5 year span where it was dormant. it has just recently came back in December when my dog passed. i am convinced that i have cancer. this is a marathon not a sprint and we are all right here with you. i also dont know how to cope anymore as i give it everything i have daily but i still feel ill physically. my advice is to keep trying. if you dont already, see a therapist and a psychiatrist. the key is to see or feel physical symptoms and just let them go. easier said than done i know. i hope this post helps!! but we'ere all here with you!

04-05-17, 16:36
It is helped immensely, I find it peaks in times of stress. I have the theory it happens to take my mind of my real problems and issues. I'm truly sorry you are also going this deliberating anxiety I 100% know how ur feeling. Mine is a cancer fear too. Thank you so much for taking the time out to respond to me x