View Full Version : Consumed by Health Anxiety since Giving Birth

03-05-17, 18:32
Hey guys!

Okay, so as the title suggests, this all started almost 3 years ago after I gave birth to my daughter. Simultaneously, I developed Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The combination of these two events seemed to trigger off health anxiety in a big way, and it's absolutely plagued me ever since.

I am only on beta blockers (low dose) which is actually just a continuation from when my thyroid went wacky.

A bit of a back-story re the thyroid. I was positive for Hashimoto's, but started off as overactive (everyone normally associates Hashi's with underactive) because it almost definitely will wind up that way. Due to being overactive, I was treated as such (for 18 months) and then taken off meds which is standard practice. I've been thyroid med-free for a year at the end of this month.

My anxiety was at its worst when I was to come off the medication. I have had very little in the way of explanations leaving me confused, further triggering the anxiety. It was at the point where I couldn't sit still, couldn't get my heart to settle, eat, function at all (!) that I went to see a Hypnotherapist. I've now been for many sessions and find it helpful, but the anxiety always returns.

I have also been for CBT and still go when I can afford it, but it's pricey.

My anxiety seems to go in cycles unless I have an obvious trigger (like illness, even a cold). Right now, I have my first UTI. 2 rounds of antibiotics have failed and I have now convinced myself it will go to my kidneys, I'll get sepsis and I will die. As is the nature!

Sometimes, my anxiety morphs into defeatism, (after my mental state has taken enough of a pounding) and I will have thoughts like, 'I don't care, I would be better off letting this go all the way so I don't have to deal with this anymore' 'My family would be happier without me because this will never end' and the like. (This is where I am at right now). After the fact I always feel humiliated at the anguish this must cause my family, the constant doctor calling then the horrible defeatism.

I need someone to bring me back down to Earth please. I'm really struggling right now.