View Full Version : Please help,please.

03-05-17, 23:35
I am at my wits end.

Recently I thought I had a UTI,first doctor told me they saw protein in my urine,second doctor told me he found small amount of blood and leukocytes in my urine (gave my antibiotics and I opted to wait for the culture to come back),culture came back on Tuesday that I had no infection. Then I went to my actual doctor,and got had a urine test again,nothing found in my urine,not even blood. Today I woke up,pain in sides and belly,went to the ER,got a CT scan on abdomen and pelvic,nothing was found. They still tested my urine,said they found "smidges" of blood. I recently got off my period on April 28th so

What is going on with me...I'm so scared that someone isn't checking correctly and I do have a UTI,and no one is doing anything and its gonna turn into sepsis.
I've heard that dipstick testing isn't accurate...what should I do I'm so scared I can't stop crying.
the CT scan was without contrast by the way,so does this change anything

And its not blood that I can see,so I guess its microscopic..

EDITED: Also,could a CT scan WITHOUT contrast show an enlarged liver or spleen? thanks

04-05-17, 00:10
You're catastrophising, badly. When you start taking things you've heard about medical tests as gospel you're in real trouble because this is when the reassurance cycle gets to a point where you'll never be satisfied with the results.

Let me point this out. If a medical test was deemed to be inaccurate, why would doctors bother using it? You said yourself you recently had your period. I'm not a woman but I imagine residual blood can stick around for a while afterwards, microscopic or not.

You do not have a urine infection, you have tension from anxiety and it's causing you pain. I get stomach and side pains all the time, doesn't mean I have anything wrong with me, my muscles are extremely tense from my disorder and that's fine.

You're chasing the wind at this point, you've been told by doctors and ER staff that they can't find anything wrong with you. Please get this idea of sepsis out of your head before you go down this rabbit hole even further.

If you want all this to stop, all you have to do is start treating the anxiety. Once you do that, I promise you that you'll start to see all these scary symptoms fade.

04-05-17, 00:45
You're catastrophising, badly. When you start taking things you've heard about medical tests as gospel you're in real trouble because this is when the reassurance cycle gets to a point where you'll never be satisfied with the results.

Let me point this out. If a medical test was deemed to be inaccurate, why would doctors bother using it? You said yourself you recently had your period. I'm not a woman but I imagine residual blood can stick around for a while afterwards, microscopic or not.

You do not have a urine infection, you have tension from anxiety and it's causing you pain. I get stomach and side pains all the time, doesn't mean I have anything wrong with me, my muscles are extremely tense from my disorder and that's fine.

You're chasing the wind at this point, you've been told by doctors and ER staff that they can't find anything wrong with you. Please get this idea of sepsis out of your head before you go down this rabbit hole even further.

If you want all this to stop, all you have to do is start treating the anxiety. Once you do that, I promise you that you'll start to see all these scary symptoms fade.

Its not that I'm not satisfied with the results.I can tell myself now that I don't have kidney stones,because,well,you know..the test said I didn't. Which is good of course. I guess what the thing is is "oh what if they missed something"
I hate thinking like this. I do. It makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe even quite literally now

Also,I've gotten referred to a new mental help place now so thats going to be in effect soon hopefully

04-05-17, 00:58
Its not that I'm not satisfied with the results.I can tell myself now that I don't have kidney stones,because,well,you know..the test said I didn't. Which is good of course. I guess what the thing is is "oh what if they missed something"
I hate thinking like this. I do. It makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe even quite literally now

But you've now got the idea in your head that a medical test has somehow missed something, which means you're not satisfied with the results because you still think there's something wrong with you. You've just jumped from one ailment to another. Vicious cycle.

Go for tests ------> Find nothing wrong ------> Brief reassurance -----> But what if it missed something?

Rinse, repeat until your nerves are shattered to the point you're getting to now.

Misdiagnosis is not as common as gossip rags and the internet would have us believe. Infact it's very rare, the only reason you see it in newspapers (if you can call them that) is because it wouldn't be news if it happened all the time, would it? And let's not even get started on the clickbait that is the internet. But no doubt you'll start thinking "But what if i'm one of the unlucky ones?" I don't have an answer for that, the only answer I can give is to trust the doctors, they're the ones who spent most of their life in med school and practicing medicine. If we spend our whole lives worrying about the "What ifs?" we would have no life at all.

I know it's hard, but if you've been checked by multiple doctors then the odds of you having something wrong with you other than your anxiety are so small that you'd have a better chance of winning the lotto.