View Full Version : I'm so scared you guys!

04-05-17, 00:51
So before I seen the ent yesterday I emailed my doctor asking if she thought I should get an ultrasound and that if she wasn't concerned I won't be either well today she responds back with yes I can order an ultrasound come pick up the paperwork this afternoon. I'm freaking out all over again. Why not order one in the first place if she thought I needed one. I was feeling good after the ent said they were 4-5mm and soft and he didn't even think I needed an antibiotic. Now it's back to square one for me because I'm a nervous wreck. Help.

04-05-17, 01:06
From an outsider point of view and from one who was down this rabbit hole not so long ago, I can pretty much guarantee you that that she is only sending you for this ultrasound for peace of mind.

You pretty much answered your own question there, if she thought there was a need for you to have an ultrasound then she would have done it without a second thought. Hell, my doctor ordered one for me just to be safe and I ended up cancelling it a week later because the lump had gone.

If an ENT has cleared you, then there's nothing more to worry about, they're the specialists for a reason.

By all means, go for the ultrasound if you think it'll give you peace of mind but just be wary about falling into the reassurance cycle because once you're there it's hard to get out of. In my personal opinion I think it's just chasing the wind at this point, if anything sinister was going on you would know by now.

Good luck!

04-05-17, 02:30
I feel like she is doing it for peace of mind but she is also the doctor that put possible normal lymphnode reassured patient no treatment needed at this time on the patient portal. Should I not go since it's for reassurance? It makes me wish I never even asked if I should get one!

04-05-17, 02:36
I'm not one for paid reassurance but in this case, I think you should go. Not because I think something is wrong but my spidey sense tells me absolutely nothing is wrong and I have a "Told ya so!" all ready ;)

So why go? Use it as a lesson so when you get the all clear. Use it to show you how tight the dragon has a hold on you. And finally, use it as inspiration to fight back and not let it control your life.

Positive thoughts

04-05-17, 02:41
It's just an ultrasound, she probably figures you might as well get one while you're at it. It means very little, my doctor didn't seem to be concerned with my nodes but she still sent me for a ultrasound and complete blood count which came back fine. No meed to worry right now.

It's easy to get caught up in anxiety and hard to get out of it, believe me, I'm in the same boat as you, and just like you I am riding it out. I've seen 3 doctors, 2 out of 3 showed no signs of concern, as for the 3rd one he admitted he didn't know enough about lymph nodes to give me a straight answer but he said from his experience they didn't feel suspicious, and he gave me a ent referral for a peace in mind.

04-05-17, 03:04
I just am so scared to go and it be bad news. Any idea how long ultrasound results take? I really hope you can give me an I told ya so fishman I realllly do!!!

04-05-17, 05:24
:doh: This is where I believe doctor's should be taking a firm stance. If you don't need one, you don't need one. Doctor's saying yes when they know it's pointless is just a cop out to me, it's to get patients out of the waiting room rather than spend the time they need to working on the actual issue - the anxiety. Anxiety won't listen and the reassurance will be temporary.

Already you are worrying about the time for the results.

By all means use it as evidence to counter future fears but I doubt that will be the case otherwise you wouldn't even be entertaining needing more than 4 doctor's saying their is nothing wrong.

04-05-17, 14:22
Right I totally know I have an anxiety issue as I seen 3 Doctors, a P.A., an ENT, and also an RN. I go today at 1pm but I seriously am a nervous wreck. Any idea how long results take to come back for an ultrasound?

04-05-17, 15:01
It depends but you can usually expect your results to be with your doctor in 1-2 weeks. Some areas are faster and others are slower.

04-05-17, 15:09
OMG 1-2 WEEKS????!!!! I thought they were read in 24 hours! I am going to the University of Michigan so I hope it's sooner! That will be literally torture.

04-05-17, 15:29
Well, the results will be read by the appropriate professional the same day most likely, but your doctor won't get the results for a week or two. Basically if the doctor who reads them has no concerns then your own doctor will be informed later.

The person doing the ultrasound will have an idea whether something is wrong or not but I know a lot of places aren't allowed to tell you there and then until an actual doctor has looked at the results.

04-05-17, 15:31
Not sure if you can answer this but I am on the patient portal would my report be sent through the portal the same time it is sent to the Doctor? Also thank you Mindprison for responding to me ALL THE TIME LOL!

04-05-17, 15:37
I'm not too sure about that one as I don't have anything like that where I live. Hopefully someone from the US could answer that one.

Don't worry about it, happy to help if I can.

04-05-17, 16:45
Ugh I have to leave in 45 minutes for the ultrasound. My stomach is in knots! I am so fricking scared.

04-05-17, 16:57
OMG 1-2 WEEKS????!!!! I thought they were read in 24 hours! I am going to the University of Michigan so I hope it's sooner! That will be literally torture.

I got my last ultrasound results in 5 days, but have no idea how it works in the US.

04-05-17, 17:18
My mum just had one related to her enlarged heart. She had to wait 5 weeks just for the appointment.

Generally I've always been brought up on the old "no news is good news" when it comes to tests. Anything priority is fast tracked back and you hear quickly. The rest take time.

04-05-17, 17:18
Thanks guys =)

04-05-17, 17:21
I had an ultrasound on one of my little spherical friends I keep in my pants a few years ago.

I honestly waited about three months for the results. Lord knows what was going on there.

Everything was fine, though. All clear. I guess urgent news comes through much quicker.

04-05-17, 18:22
So here o sit waiting to be called back. Practically in tears.

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:49 ----------

Just got done with ultrasound. Sonography said they are so tiny it's hard to even keep the wand on them. She said doctor will have my results tomorrow.

04-05-17, 18:24
So here o sit waiting to be called back. Practically in tears.

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:49 ----------

Just got done with ultrasound. Sonography said they are so tiny it's hard to even keep the wand on them. She said doctor will have my results tomorrow.

Well that sounds very reassuring to me. Make sure you come back tomorrow for Fishmanpa's "told ya so"!

04-05-17, 21:15
What I would give for that!!!!

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

My doctor said I could have them fax her the results asap so I stop worrying but I highly doubt they will do it any earlier than tomorrow! I just want this all over. It is an absolute nightmare! Do you think the fact that they are so tiny gives me a better chance of them being normal?

04-05-17, 21:20
I'd say them being tiny almost guarantees that they are normal. My doctor actually ended up cancelling my ultrasound a week after I saw him about my lymph nodes (this was after I relapsed) because he said "There's no point scanning something that small"

04-05-17, 21:28
Do you think the fact that they are so tiny gives me a better chance of them being normal?

The question is, taking into account all the medical professionals and reassurance you've gotten... Do You?

Positive thoughts

04-05-17, 22:25
Good question.....
I do for the most part but I have that sick f*&king dragon sitting on my shoulder saying what if?! I mean a ENT of over 25 years said he does not think they are malignant he would have to know right lol?
How did this HA shit even happen to me? I made it 34 years flying by just fine and BAM like a wall of bricks it just hits!

---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ----------

So I called and they are ****ing normal!!! :D a bottle of wine for this girl tonight!! Thanks for putting up with me guys! You guys really are great!

04-05-17, 23:04
So I called and they are ****ing normal!!! :D a bottle of wine for this girl tonight!! Thanks for putting up with me guys! You guys really are great!

And heeere's your "Told ya so!" :whistles:

So wine eh? Some of that "Told Ya So" Merlot to celebrate? ;)

Now work on learning how to stop the dragon before he gets to ya!

Positive thoughts

04-05-17, 23:26
Good question.....
I do for the most part but I have that sick f*&king dragon sitting on my shoulder saying what if?! I mean a ENT of over 25 years said he does not think they are malignant he would have to know right lol?
How did this HA shit even happen to me? I made it 34 years flying by just fine and BAM like a wall of bricks it just hits!

---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ----------

So I called and they are ****ing normal!!! :D a bottle of wine for this girl tonight!! Thanks for putting up with me guys! You guys really are great!

:yesyes: :birthday1: :yahoo:

05-05-17, 02:56
Thank you! This told ya so merlot is amazing!! Thank you both!