View Full Version : Wheezing - doctors wouldn't listen

04-05-17, 04:46
Hello all. I apologize for any misspelling. I'm on very little sleep.

I have a definite wheezing sound when I breathe in through my mouth. I guess I don't know if it's technically called "wheezing" when it's with the inhale, but that's what I'll call it here.

It almost sounds like something is deflating as I inhale, if that makes sense. It sounds like air releasing somehow.

It started when I was diagnosed with bronchitis a couple months ago. This diagnosis came from the emergency room when I started hearing the wheezing and I felt like I couldn't breathe one night. The doctor there didn't seem to hear the wheezing or maybe he wasn't concerned. I was sent home with the bronchitis diagnosis and antibiotics. With antibiotics, everything seemed to get better but the cough.

About a month later, I went to my GP about the ongoing cough and wheezing noise. I had a recording of the wheezing on my phone so that I could play it for her. I wanted to make sure it was heard. She has me pegged with anxiety (which I know I have) but she never seems to take anything I say seriously since she came to that conclusion.

After listening with the stethoscope and talking to me a bit, she prescribed me some steroids. She also said that the cough may have been caused by acid reflux. She didn't want to hear the recording of the wheezing until I insisted, but she didn't seem phased. She also didn't seem to hear it with her stethoscope.

Fast forward a few weeks and the cough was almost gone, but the wheezing was still there, plus then I start feeling the heartburn. I had never felt heartburn in my throat until after taking those steroids. In the back of my mind, I blame that medication for causing it, but maybe I had it all along and didn't know.

Well, here I am in May and my allergies are brutal. My nose is almost constantly congested, so I do a lot of mouth breathing (hence hearing the wheeze again).

I've recently seen an allergist and told him about the wheezing. He listened and said he actually did hear some lung noise. For once in the last few months, I felt like someone really believed me. He had me do a breathing test and use a nebulizer. My breathing did improve slightly, but not drastically. He said he was concerned about the wheezing, so he prescribed me a rescue inhaler, which I've only used twice since then when the breathing and wheezing gets to be too much.

I've made an appointment to become established with a new GP. I'm hoping that the wheezing can be looked into, but I'm terrified of what it means. I'm also terrified that something will happen before the appointment that will make it worse.

Has anyone had any experience like this?

05-05-17, 14:34
Yes, I seem to have developed wheezing this year. About 20 years ago, I had exercise induced asthma that went away after I moved back down to sea level. Well this year, I had terrible respiratory issues- two bouts with chronic cough (like 8+ weeks each time) and wheezing. Steroids have worked for me everytime, and I ended up needing a CT of my lung due to suspected lung clot late Jan. that was clear, so I am thinking its just something weird after this winter's illnesses. I am getting exercise induced asthma when I exert myself, and I have had some wheezing this week, too.

I am thinking I want to get tested for asthma, but I have heard of so many people having terrible respiratory stuff this year, maybe it's related to climate change and viruses/bacteria settling into new life cycles and weather patterns. I really don't know, but try not to think the worst.

05-05-17, 16:39
I don't know where you're located or if it's the whole country, but something awful is happening with cold/illness this year. So many people I've talked to have had their cough for months after the original illness. The cough is really bad too.

I was able to get an emergency appointment for 1pm today because my wheezing got a lot worse last night. The inhaler seemed to help, but now the wheeze is back.

Maybe you should get checked so that maybe they'll prescribe you an inhaler for the more severe wheezing.