View Full Version : How to cope with HA I feel like I can't function anymore

04-05-17, 10:12
So after 2 and a half weeks of doing better my health anxiety is insane again, I struggle to get up in the morning and do every day tasks. I literally feel frozen by panic the fear of a brain tumour and I feel like no one is even taking me seriously just saying all the symptoms are from anxiety. I have so much pressure in my head, I literally feel like my face is filled with pressure (and its not my sinuses) it's super tense, I have loud cracking in my ears every time I swallow, toothache and I just don't know how to cope anymore. This has been going on for 2 months now, it's worse one week and better another, but the last 10 days its just been bad, even though I'm working on my anxiety and getting therapy, trying to do mindfulness, going for a walk every day what not. Every one is telling me that all these symptoms could be due to TMJ, but I am pretty sure I don't grind my teeth at night anymore, I've been going to a physiotherapist to 'trigger point therapy' to help with my face muscle tension, but there is no improvement. I don't even know if these are brain tumour symptoms tbh because at least I haven't googled it yet but I am so terrified that they are I can't even think semi-rationally anymore. I keep being told by GPs I'm fine and it's just jaw tension, but they've not referred me to a neurologist or anything like that, so there's a constant voice in me saying "how can they know your brain is fine without checking it??"

I literally can't function anymore from the panic, the anxiety is making me full on depressed, I feel like my physical symptoms stay the same whatever I do, how do I cope with this? Could all this really be just anxiety? Cause I was feeling a bit better already for a couple of weeks but then the head pressure got worse again and it pulled me into panic again :/

---------- Post added at 09:12 ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 ----------

I've also been dizzy/lightheaded on and off which I KNOW is typical for anxiety and I started getting random (sometimes pulsing) pains behind/above my eyes

04-05-17, 16:34
I am not 100% clear of anxiety yet but what has helped me is giving the realization to anxiety. It takes time to get to that point....you have to be able to tune into your body to realize when something is anxiety vs something else. Pain, tension, dizziness, heart races, all of that are all symptoms of anxiety. Ive also had head pressure during my times of high anxiety and also from allergies. Getting therapy and talking to a professional about your symptoms is a great thing. Also don't feel like you're being a burden to your doctor....go as many times as you feel you can and need to. TMJ does cause everything that you mentioned and I can tell you that from personal experience. Ive had it since I was 10 years old. Also, doctors have simple ways for checking for brain health without sending you for an MRI or CT. Shining the light in your eyes, checking reflexes, etc etc. If they saw the slightest bit abnormality they would've referred you already.

04-05-17, 17:48
Okay thanks for the reassuring words. I threw up shortly after writing this post and I guess that tired me out a little, because I feel calmer now haha. I also saw a dentist and she told me this all sounds like TMJ. And tbf since I calmed down i actually feel a tiny bit better too. although the eye pain is persisting and it's freaking me out as it is a new stmptom but i heard that can very commonly happen as a result of muscle tension which I clearly have (look at me almost thinking rationally!! lol)

and yes you have a point about doctors i mean out of probably over 10 doctors ive seen in the past 2 months, a single one at A&E (funnily enough also the 1st one i saw) told me maybe i should ask to be referred to MRI (and he said its more for my reassurance)and that 1 against 10 others that have told me its all just anxiety keeps echoing in my head. i even mentioned the MRI to some of the others and they basically laughed saying it's completely unnecessary. so im being stupid i know. i've also finally agreed to start antidepressants today (after my 'little' breakdown) which i find very scary but oh well we'll see how it goes

05-05-17, 00:05
yeah anxiety causes a myriad of symptoms...really! Ive had some weird and new symptoms as well but I think we should realize that anxiety in its nature, makes you overly sensitive to everything! If you need more reassurance maybe make an eye doctor appointment as it may be something in the air irritating it. I'm sorry you threw up! Thats your body telling you that you need to relax a little and I'm glad you have since then. You're stronger than this....and the thing is-is that you know that. We all do deep down inside. We just have to tap into it. Live your life and be frickin happy ya know?! haha Life is too short for the bs.