View Full Version : Soft stool but constipated - bowel cancer?

04-05-17, 10:35
Hi everyone

Well now that I've stopped worrying about brain tumours, I've started worrying about bowel cancer again. I've worried about BC since I was about 15.

I had IBS D for about 5 years when over one year ago it seemed to change to IBS C. But these are the symptoms that worry me:

* passing thin soft stool but feeling constipated. Not much actually comes out but if I use a suppository I get more out.

I've used Fybogel which worked great but now seems to have topped working.

I then saw blood on the surface of
My stool which my doctor assured was a haemorrhoid as bowel cancer blood is usually mixed in. I demanded a colonoscopy - that was 10 months ago now and still haven't had it because the consultant considers my case on urgent.

Has anyone had these Symptoms? What worked for you?

Clydesdale Epona
05-05-17, 07:56
Fybogel still works rather well for me, I just thought I'd give you the reassurance by saying bowl cancer is highly unlikely and IBS can make you constipated while having soft stools so its likely that :) x

All the best :hugs:

05-05-17, 15:01
Soft stool actually makes sense with constipation and IBS-C. If you're constipated, the movement of your stools slows, meaning that only anything soft and small enough to get past will squeeze through until your constipation has been relieved. As for blood, constipation and trying to force it to come out can cause small fissures, which explains that. :) As your doctor said, blood will be mixed in with the stool in the case of colon cancer, due to it being present as it's forming rather than after. For it to be on the surface, I'm guessing having constipation just means you've gotten scratched slightly down there (and as the rectum creates mucus, it's pretty good at self-cleaning, so they won't cause any problems). :) I hope this helps, and it sounds like you have absolutely nothing to worry about!