View Full Version : Scared i' m going to have an accident or my family will

04-05-17, 21:29
Hi all.
Im new to this forum.
Glad to have found it.
I gave up alcohol a few months ago which i was using to cope with my severe anxiety, but have recently got very anxious again. Im scared im going to get cancer, or get run over by a car and die. I'm also scared that my mum or sister will die suddenly. They are both fit and healthy so its completely irrational.
Things are going smoothly in my life right now, and im scared its going to go wrong. Some sort of sudden death.
Its ruining things for me as i keep thinking and worrying about how fragile life is and how it can change in the blink of an eye. I have a good diet and avoid caffeine and am trying to cope, but its getting ridiculous and a bit morbid.
Please does anyone have any tips on how i can manage this without medication? Its ruining my serenity. Thanks you.xx

Clydesdale Epona
05-05-17, 07:45
Have you tried any form of therapy? I found CBT really helped me without medication at least for now, it was cut short so I'm hoping after my assessment on Monday I can get more :) I know this may not be of any help but when people have irrational fears of themselves or others dying I like to remind people to remember "your life is not a soap opera" x

Try going up to your GP he might be able to refer you to some type of therapy organization x

All the best :hugs:

05-05-17, 09:23
If loved ones die,do you fear being left alone?
Its anxiety looking for an outlet. Maybe CBT or some other therapy could help.