View Full Version : Please can anyone relate!?!

04-05-17, 22:24
Hey all, really suffering at the moment. Want some support and positive thoughts.

I suffered from a lot of stress recently, moving to the US, my Dad being diagnosed with Motor Neurons disease and my brother recently having a surgery that saved his life and my wife is trying to now get a job in the US after just having got a work visa and is always stressed out.

I’ve suffered from all classic signs of anxiety.

– Vision Problems
– Burning sensations
– Weight loss
– Gagging
– Numbness of extremities
– Insomnia
– Panic Attacks
– Spasms
– Chest pain

What is strange are these symptoms
– Previously pain walking on feet
– Still can’t stand for long periods of time
– Joint pain, clicking, popping and such.
– Shin splints when running, like the impact of exercise is painful.
– Radiating pain of my inner left thigh near my pelvis
– Hip pain on the right side mainly on the side and back
– Hip pain on the left side
– Seemingly lost weight in certain areas, particularly my legs, collarbone, hips. (everything is way bonier when I’m sitting it feels like I have no butt and I’m 170lbs at 30 yrs old)

Could someone please tell me this is just all anxiety…!? Or suffered similar?

Had bloods – Fine (thyroid, diabetes, STDs, CBCetc_
Had urine test - Fine
Colonoscopy - Fine
Chest X-Ray - Fine

I’m at my wits end, and I don’t want to talk about it to friends and family anymore as they are so bored of me complaining and I don’t want to be an imposition.

04-05-17, 22:42
sorry to hear what you are going through, bud. I know one thing is for sure, when anxiety is high....symptoms are high. And they keep coming, non-stop. The past 7 months have been brutal for me, and it just keeps getting worse and worse the more I think about it....the more I google....the more I check and test myself. I had a few times where I stopped googling and testing for a week or two, and I Felt GREAT. But then once I Started up again, even just one time, it all came back.

In the gym, there is something called muscle memory. I firmly believe that with anxiety, there is memory too. You can feel great for 2 weeks, then suddenly go back to all the symptoms? Anxiety memory.

Most of the symptoms you've had, Ive had the past 7 months. Its unfortunate that people don't want to talk to you about your symptoms, but just brush them off. Too many people these days don't understand anxiety and depression, they just ignore those of us who have it or call us weirdos. Its unfortunate.

If I had to offer any recommendations to you, it would be proper diet, exercise, meditate, stop smoking and drinking if you do them, and try to get some community. GO out, meet people, laugh, have fun. Believe me, being inside all day at the computer does nothing.

05-05-17, 00:43
Yeah I agree with you man, great advice. The more I think about it the more I dwell and the further I become depersonalized also. What have you been suffering with? I can't believe my life has taken this turn. Gone from being so confident to a bit of a wreck.

Still playing soccer through the shin pain, as I love it. I'm usually such a happy person, but this is possibly the greatest challenge I've faced.

I'm not worried about the spasms and such it's more the mobility. I am terrified of losing my ability to run / walk without pain. Gotta pull up my socks and get out of this.

How're you feeling?