View Full Version : I'm so unsure

05-05-17, 06:45
So, long story short, after the death of my husband, I remarried!! I'm so very very happy! We travel, we go out, we socialize, we spend time together. All is great.
Then......my period is late. It's always on time. Always. It was due on Tuesday, this is Friday. I'm permanently hungry, I feel nauseous at times (but that could be worry), I'm tired. And while we absolutely DO want children, now I've had a big panic that I'm not ready. We won't be able to do things at the drop of a hat, there will be someone else to consider!!!
And then we have the anxieties I have. What if something goes wrong? What if something happens me? What if I develop something? I'm going to be an older mum (39). What about the actual birth 😩😩? What if something happens? What if being older my heart isn't able to take it? Is this normal?
I'm so confused.

Clydesdale Epona
05-05-17, 07:38
First off, have you taken any pregnancy tests or been to the doctors yet? periods can late for other reasons too so try not to stress about it as it will only drag you down and stress isn't healthy, secondly, as far as being pregnant at 39 that's exact age my mother was pregnant with me and she didn't have any issues, its perfectly understandable to be anxious about the whole being pregnant front and i'm sorry that I can't offer more advice on it but I'm sure someone here who has been through it can lend more of a hand. just try not to stress too much breathe, and think calm thoughts :) x

All the best :hugs:

06-05-17, 06:02
Thanks Clydesdale, thanks for your reply! Well, I took a test this morning and it was a big fat POSITIVE!! Sh!t balls!!! Both happy but now all the what's ifs are setting in!! Living in the Middle East, it is all done differently here compared to at home and the NHS!
Let's see where we go from here!

06-05-17, 10:56
Congratulations it's something to celebrate xx