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View Full Version : Neck Lymph Anxiety Cancer

05-05-17, 07:19

It's been a very long time since I have posted on one of these, I thought I had finally beat the health anxiety devil... however it's always lurking.

Recently ... I have been very VERY paranoid about the lymph nodes in my neck. Over Xmas I was very very sick with tonsillitis and my lymphs in my neck swelled to the size .. large thAn I've ever had in my life. Anyway I got better over the course of a week, however the swelling took around 4 weeks to go down. Of course mid to late January... I freaked out and went to my doctor who did my bloods and tested for lymphatic cancer ect (which is what I'm concerned about)

Most recently the past month I've struggled with an impacted wisdom tooth on my left side which I read can cause minor swelling!

Fast forwRd to today and for the past week I've had the similar sensation just under my left jawline and for the past 3 days I've been picking and pulling and rubbing at my jaw and now it's so swollen and I've become overly paranoid and googling tells me I have about 3 months to live with stage 4 lymphatic cancer which makes me get very upset and my doctor is away over the weekend so I can't get bloods done.

My uestions are.. could picking and pulling at the area cause swelling??
I don't have a sore throats or anything... I'm a smoker so I have mild sinus stuff but no I can differentiate between being sick and day to day and i don't feel sick!

Can my bloods have drastercally changed from end of January this year to something more sinister??

It is causing me a lot of distress and I can't stop touching the area hoping to run the swelling away... I don't know!!

If anyone has any judgements about it I would love to hear! :( I'm at my wits end!