View Full Version : Dental problems stressing me out

05-05-17, 08:27
So I had a filling on my very back molar yesterday, it was fine at first but once the injection wore off it hurt when biting down. Seemed fine but I hardly slept because it was throbbing. I woke up this morning and looked at it in the mirror and there's a huge lump in the gum next to it and it's all swollen. It's still throbbing and is very tender, especially when i bite down. I phoned my mum who was at work but there was no answer and I don't know the dentists number to phone, I don't know what to do because I'm panicking it will get worse because it could be an abscess.

05-05-17, 23:36
I had that happen once with a filling. Turned out the gum got scratched or nicked and then, with flossing, made it worse. I went to the dentist and she did laser thing to help it heal faster. I was told not to floss in that area for a few days. Call the doctor---look up the doctors number online---and tell them what is going on.

---------- Post added at 18:36 ---------- Previous post was at 16:30 ----------

I just remembered what the dentist called it, Lol---- an ulceration. As gross and uncomfortable as it was, it healed up just fine.

05-05-17, 23:54
I went back and the dentist took a look, she said normally she would think it was my wisdom teeth coming through but because I had a filling yesterday she thinks I could of injured the gum by eating when it was still numb. I have antibiotics to take for the next 7 days cuz there's a slight infection, but it's all good just painful.