View Full Version : Tell Me it's pretty normal please...

02-05-07, 20:43
I have been on 20mg of citalopram for panic attacks since last August.
I got pretty lapse in taking them at the start of this year ( I am hopeless at remembering).

I agreed end of March/April with my Dr to start taking 10mg everyday and I began to do this about 1 month ago. After about a week I got back into my forgetting habit and had about 10 days without taking tablets. Then the panic came back last week after I had abit of a tummy bug.

And I have spent the last week full of tension. I feel all uptight in my chest and not at all relaxed.

I know it is my own stupid fault.

I am obviously taking the tablets again everyday and been doing so for the last 5 days and not any better and not any worse.

Anyone else done anything equally as stupid and been ok?

I think this is sign I will never get off the tablets and I want to do that this year as I want another child. That adds to the anxiety - as I really do want another baby but petrified that it will be impossible.

Arghhhhh- bang my head on the wall. I just want my life back.:weep:

02-05-07, 22:19
Hi there!!

Can't tell you this is pretty normal I'm afraid because everbody's different.

I managed to come of Citalopram pretty rapidly going from 6omg per day to zero within the space of about 10 days. But others have had to reduce them gradually over periods of time.

I think your first step would be to get one of those tablet containers with days of the week written on each compartment.

Then leave it where you can see it first thing in the morning. That way you'll hopefully not miss a dose and be able to guage your withdrawal.

I'm sure your symptoms are due to the 'start' 'stop' 'missed a dose' .

Don't know if this has been helpful, but my hubby has to take a handful of meds every day and he wouldn't be without his tablet container - it goes everywhere with him!


02-05-07, 23:30
could you take your tablet in the morning while waiting for the kettle to boil?

If you do want another baby, there are meds that are safe to take.

Im pregnant. If youd like to pm me, I could tell you more.

Take care - Liz xx