View Full Version : Anxiety/Depression & Fitness Blog

05-05-17, 13:20
I apologize in advance if this isn't allow, but I'd like to spread the word about my blog that I started relatively recently, especially since I believe it can be of massive benefit to people, like me, who suffer from some sort of anxiety and/or depression.

I'll keep it brief. Basically, exercise is a tool in my arsenal that I utilize to help cope with and get a handle on my anxiety. Many people do this -- it's nothing new. But I hadn't seen a blog more geared towards people with anxiety who may suffer from Agoraphobia and cannot leave the house. Or say they deal with Social Anxiety and get anxious or even have panic attacks when around others or even if there is a potential social interaction.

I've been in your shoes. A few years ago I started to suffer from physical manifestations of anxiety. Of course I didn't know that it was anxiety, so off I went to the wonderful world of WebMD to search for what may be wrong (which is a terrible idea -- don't do it). I think that steamrolled my anxiety right into Hypochondria a bit. Then at some point I couldn't even leave the house to go to the store or anywhere except work - Agoraphobia. I am not saying my cases were as bad as others who suffer from these horrid ailments, but I got a taste or what it's like, and it's not pleasant.

Like I said, exercise is a fundamental tool in dealing with this. If people can't go to a gym and are unaware of what to do within their own homes, I want to be able to help. Or even for the people who are fearful of social interaction but can make it into a commercial gym, I want to help them as well. That's where my blog comes in, and I try to post a couple of times a week (I recently had wrist surgery, so I am hoping to get back into it this week).

The blog is called The Anxiety Press (www.anxietypress.com (http://www.anxietypress.com)). If you fellow sufferers would like to take a look and give me some constructive feedback, I'd appreciate it. If you know others who may benefit from it, I ask that you share it with them. My goal is to help others through my writing and what knowledge I have.

Also please take note that this is my first blog. It was a lot more technical than I had anticipated (I used to make websites on Geocities... the good old days of just drag and drop!). I am working on fixing some bugs, organizing it better, etc. This is a learning experience for me.

Thank you, and stay well.
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=1671273)

06-05-17, 17:09
I like it good job.

07-05-17, 17:53
Keep it going! People have quite a lot of succes on Instagram with this kind of thing too.

08-05-17, 14:00
Thanks guys/girls. If you think it can be beneficial for someone, please share. If you'd like to, subscribe as well! Also, if there's any subject(s) you'd like to read about, please let me know and I'll see what I can do!