View Full Version : Should I do this?

05-05-17, 17:49
So I have troubles with my heart, my heart is almost always beating fast, like 85 to 100 bpm. And I have trouble with shooting chest pains that worsen with coughing or moving, the pain radiates to my left arm too, hell even leg, sometimes it's on the right side, I've had EKG's done all clear, they blame it on anxiety and didn't send me for further tests at a cardiologist, as my family history has no heart troubles, my cholestrol, entire blood is perfect, ekgs came fine, they see no reason of me having heart troubles at 19 so for the palpitations the doctor described me bisoprolol 2,5mg but half of it one day, my blood pressure is low if anything, today it was 110-70, when i wake up from sleep is low like 85-55. Should I take bisoprolol ?

05-05-17, 18:01
If your bp is low today I would not take it. 85-100 is normal for a heartrate. My HR was 158 recently just sitting around. If your bp or heart rate was high a beta blocker would be appropriate. I'm surprised they prescribed you bisoprolol. Are you on anxiety medication? I think you would benefit more from that.

05-05-17, 18:09
My bp is always like that, but I am 19 and 1.73 long, around 63kg. So I guess that is not that bad? I am on paroxetine 20mg for 46days and it has helped only a little, not as much as I expected. I am worried about any illness but I am not having panic attacks anymore, Today had my CT of head come clear, so I ruled out some of my fears, I have had like 5 EKG's but I still doubt my heart, I am afraid of going out and exercising in case I get a heart attack, thanks once more.

05-05-17, 18:22
My bp is always like that, but I am 19 and 1.73 long, around 63kg. So I guess that is not that bad? I am on paroxetine 20mg for 46days and it has helped only a little, not as much as I expected. I am worried about any illness but I am not having panic attacks anymore, Today had my CT of head come clear, so I ruled out some of my fears, I have had like 5 EKG's but I still doubt my heart, I am afraid of going out and exercising in case I get a heart attack, thanks once more.

Your Heart Rate has been good! You aren't going to have a heart attack. All your tests have been good. :hugs: You should talk to your doctor about something like xanax or ativan to help control your anxiety on bad days. Paroxetine is good for racing thoughts and stuff but not 100% for anxiety always.

Your heart could be 200 bpm for weeks and you still wouldn't be having a heart attack. It's not ideal but it won't kill you. But yours has been good. My friend's HR is always at 110 regularly!

Anxiety sucks. You do have an illness just not a heart one. You have anxiety and it's a crappy illness for sure!