View Full Version : Dropped bowl on foot

Clydesdale Epona
05-05-17, 19:06
I'm sorry for posting waay too much this week but I've been really on edge these past two weeks and injuries seem to be happening more often :/
A couple of minutes ago my partner tried to pass me their empty bowl and it fell on the bottom of my big toe/mid foot, the toe is aching and really tingling/nervy and I've since gone into overdrive, I've not cried this much for a long time if ivm honest, I don't know why I'm terrified but I'm instantly thinking its a bad situation and I can't leave it or something dreadful will occur, I really don't want to get a bus for an hour just to go to A and E for nothing but I'm so terrified I've done nerve or fracture damage or something :weep: X

05-05-17, 19:16
Sorry you're in such a bad place. Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

Clydesdale Epona
05-05-17, 19:35
Thanks Fishman! my dads having a double tumor scare which could possibly be cancer so my heads a little all over the place, I finally managed to get myself an assessment appointment for Monday(hoping I'll be well enough by then) and will hopefully get myself some more therapy, I've been on edge from personal reasons too and it certainly affects the irrationality for sure x

Catherine S
05-05-17, 20:03
I knocked my big toe quite badly last year and was convinced it was broken, but my doc told me it was just very badly bruised, but it was black and blue and extremely painful. Fortunately I had some really soft canvas sneakers that I hobbled around in for about a month because I couldn't wear anything else. It did recover completely and then I went and stubbed my little toe on the same flippin foot and went through it all over again :wacko:

The trouble is, they can't really do much for toes even if broken. They just have to 'heel' for themselves...see what I did there :D

But jokes aside Clydesdale, i'm sorry about your dad, sending a hug to you and try not to worry too much :hugs:

ISB x x

Clydesdale Epona
06-05-17, 00:54
I knocked my big toe quite badly last year and was convinced it was broken, but my doc told me it was just very badly bruised, but it was black and blue and extremely painful. Fortunately I had some really soft canvas sneakers that I hobbled around in for about a month because I couldn't wear anything else. It did recover completely and then I went and stubbed my little toe on the same flippin foot and went through it all over again :wacko:

The trouble is, they can't really do much for toes even if broken. They just have to 'heel' for themselves...see what I did there :D

But jokes aside Clydesdale, i'm sorry about your dad, sending a hug to you and try not to worry too much :hugs:

ISB x x

Thanks so much ISB :hugs: its a sucky year and as time goes on it will only get worse but at least I have my assessment on the Monday which should get me on the right track, waiting on the dread of starting College in September and I'm absolutely hating it, petrified is an understatement haha x

06-05-17, 01:20
Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope it isn't cancer. :flowers::hugs:

It certainly does make things seem so much worse and we fly off the handle when minor stuff comes long. Everyone is like that under stress though so don't be too hard on yourself.

If you can move your toe, it's a good sign. There isn't much that can be done for toes & fingers other than immobilising them until they heal. You could visit your GP if you really need to but if it's moving, it might just be bruising & inflammation.

...and it sounds like lots of flowers, chocolates, pampering (also known as grovelling) and definately some horsey stuff is in order from someone! :winks:

Clydesdale Epona
06-05-17, 07:55
The sad part is I got the mother of all illnesses' on Wednesday so horsey stuff and chocolates will have to be delayed :roflmao: really praying its not tonsillitis but its still hard to tell, just praying it isn't too rough for Monday :) x

All the best :hugs: