View Full Version : Need reassurance.....:( biopsy waiting game

05-05-17, 19:12
Hello all

I had a mole removed Monday and my derm said to call back this coming Monday for the results. I'm a mess.

I think I'd had it for a while but only started paying attention as of late. It's small but very dark brown, almost black but not quite. Kinda darker than my other moles but then again they all look different, I don't have much of a pattern. Fairly symmetrical yada yada. My derm said he just didn't like how dark it was so he was removing it to be proactive and nothing else was weird about it. When he was doing the excision he made a comment about how deep the pigment was, which made him think I'd had it a very long time. This sent me over the edge but he said it was normal for some moles to go very deep, especially old ones. I've even called back and he continued to reassure me that he highly doubts it'll come back as cancerous and mole roots are normal. However today I'm just having a really rough time with it. I know I just posted about this yesterday.
But I'm just feeling very afraid and anxious and can't stop thinking of the worst case scenario :( some virtual hugs are much needed

05-05-17, 19:28
Virtual Hug to you! Derms know what they are talking about! I have discoid lupus and sooo many docs looked at me and said allergies etc. A derm took one look and knew exactly what it was! He wouldnt give reassurance if he didnt believe it was a normal mole. Trust him and try and have a good weekend! I know so much easier said than done but I'm sure it will come back just fine!

06-05-17, 01:14
Just went through this myself. Virtual hugs!

06-05-17, 02:22
Thanks you guys...the derm actually called me today. they both came back mildly atypical but NOT cancer!! PHEW!
I can already feel myself scanning for the next thing...but I'm gonna do my best to keep grounded!