View Full Version : Is it normal to have low grade fever with just a cold

05-05-17, 19:54
I know I'm usually telling folks to calm down and get help for their anxiety so please bear with me! Anyway I think I have a cold. My throat started hurting Wednesday night, and yesterday I started with the runny/stuffy nose, sneezing, etc. I had so much drainage that I even vomited once before I went to bed last night. This morning I woke up, felt a bit feverish, and took my temp and it was 99.5. I'm taking Tylenol because I hate the side effects of cold meds. Anyway when that wears off my temp goes back to 99.5. THE reason I worry when I do actually get sick is because I have had C Diff three times so I am absolutely terrified that I may possibly have to take an antibiotic. I know colds are viral, so no need for antibiotics. I just haven't been this sick in awhile. I actually feel a bit better today, other than the slight fever. Is it common for a cold to cause a low grade fever?? My doctor has told me that most respiratory infections are viral but that C Diff scarred me for life and the anxiety is up today! Ugh! Thanks to anyone for replying!

05-05-17, 20:50
About 4 out of 5 times I get low grade fevers with a cold. Especially when I have a sore throat with it.

05-05-17, 21:54
I thought everyone did?

06-05-17, 00:08
Very normal. It's normal to get a fever with any virus/infection no matter how small. That's the way the body fights it off, by making your temperature higher.

06-05-17, 03:24
Thanks you guys! Still have low grade temp. I am coughing a lot. Ugh just not fun! Thanks so much again you guys!!

08-05-17, 00:51
I'm still having a temp around 99.5-100. This started Thursday. Today I haven't had any Tylenol. Just wondering if anyone has had a low fever persist for more than a few days with a cold? I don't feel quiet as bad as I did Thursday and Friday but the fever is lingering. Please tell me this doesn't mean I have a bacterial infection?! My ears are stuffy and I am coughing quiet a bit and of course I feel pretty tired. It's a wet cough which I usually have every time I get a cold. It's the fever that has me nervous! Thanks!!