View Full Version : Weird feeling in nose

05-05-17, 20:38
So yesterday,I felt a weird feeling in my nose,in my left nasal cavity.kind of like a slightly painful throbbing numb sensation,I got really freaked out and thought I was having a nose bleed. It never bled and today I still have that weird sensation in my nose. I also have a slight headache and I guess my sinsues are a little dry? I do have a nasal cyst in my left nostril,they found it ages ago accidentally on an MRI for headaches. Do you think thats whats causing it? Maybe allergies? Scared I'm about to get a nose bleed..

05-05-17, 23:34
I have no idea if you have allergies or if it is the cyst thing causing the sensation. However, it seems to me that you are fixating on some minor hiccup in your body and making it into something scary. And, in this case, the 'scary' thing is a nosebleed. While it is gross and annoying to have a nosebleed, there really is no cause to get overly upset about having one. Ultimately an anxious mind can turn any minor nothing into something scary given the opportunity. The best thing, imo, is to not give this sensation anything more than an acknowledgment then go about your day.

05-05-17, 23:53
While it is gross and annoying to have a nosebleed, there really is no cause to get overly upset about having one.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a nosebleed than explosive diarrhea :winks:

Positive thoughts