View Full Version : Piles - another worry.

05-05-17, 22:28
Hi everyone. Another week another panic. Last week after a weight session in the gym I had what can only be described as a rectal muscle spasm. It lasted no mor than 5 minutes. Since then I feel like there is something stuck between my cheeks (tmi I know). My husband has piles and I thought it could be this but there is no obvious pile, no blood either. Have consulted Dr Google who had suggested internal piles but they usually bleed. Am panicking like mad. There's a bit of pain when I need to go but it wears off. Has anyone had anything similar. Don't want to bother Dr again.

06-05-17, 01:23
Piles in weightlifters is very common, it's how mine first started when I was younger in my pre anxiety days. It's the straining.

They don't have to bleed. I find they flare up and then it can happen. Pain when you go suggests it's possible though.

You can always ask a pharmacist about this as you just buy an OTC for it. GP's can prescribe stronger treatments but initially they most likely will just hand out what you can buy yourself.

If it's painful or itchy, salt water bathing helps.

Please try not to worry, they are so common & easily treated. They may easily go with some treatment. Try not to strain on the toilet though and get plenty of fibre & water, which I expect you probably already do with being a gym goer.

06-05-17, 04:32
omg, I get this.....worst feeling ever (so far in my life lol). I'll be living my life and suddenly I'll feel his strong powerful sensation in my rear end and I gotta walk so weird lol. I just use Preparation H, and it goes away. But gosh, it is sooooo uncomfortable. I call them hemhorroid attacks (like heart attack).

06-05-17, 04:42
omg, I get this.....worst feeling ever (so far in my life lol). I'll be living my life and suddenly I'll feel his strong powerful sensation in my rear end and I gotta walk so weird lol. I just use Preparation H, and it goes away. But gosh, it is sooooo uncomfortable. I call them hemhorroid attacks (like heart attack).

Yes, except these are a pain in the ar5e :winks:

If they are near the "exit" sometimes they pop out if they are large enough when you are doing things. It does feel a bit weird. At first you worry you've had an accident :blush:

You get used to it though. Sitting about at work can be unhelpful though with the rubbing.

06-05-17, 10:18
Hi thanks all. Just another worry. It's not painful just uncomfortable might have a word with the pharmacist today. I wouldn't mind but have been lifting weights for awhile just started and they're not even that heavy.