View Full Version : Scary Symptoms without the 'panic'

06-05-17, 15:21

I'm not sure if I'm even on the right forum - as I don't have 'classic anxiety' if there is such a term - yet would agree that actual physical symptoms could have made me more anxious.

Regardless I seriously don't know where to turn. I've had symptoms for over 3 months now and they have gradually gotten worse.

It started with twitching - initially in the calves - but this soon spread all over the body randomly - pretty much all over the place in different places of almost every body part imaginable - thigh, side of head, lower back, bicep, foot inner abdomen! Everywhere!
Also this is not the classic muscle twitching I've read could be BFS. Firstly, it didn't stop when I contracted/tensed muscles. Secondly it's bot just muscle twitching for example - I've had twitching in my forehead and side of head and also on my ankle.

Other symptoms I have are fatigue/tiredness . . high body temperature - (yet at the same time I have cold hands and feet), dizziness/light headedness - pain in what I can only presume are the lymph nodes in my neck (there are certainly big lumps there that have become painful_. Also I've had what I can only describe as an 'inner tightness' in my forearms - and fingers and wrists feel achy - particularly upon waking.

I also have a slight 'cold' as in sniffling and phlegm (this has been for the last 2 months). As I write this I feel quite ill in that respect.

Something is seriously wrong with me.

I must also stress that I haven't felt anxious over anything other than the very real physical symptoms that I've had.
Obviously I've read, often for hours on end various forums and stories/articles about various diseases and illnesses . . and finally after 3 months of this (getting more used to the twitching etc.) it's come to me posting here as I've actually felt a lot worse these past few days with the additional symptoms - pain and nausea.

I don't know what to do. I got the results from a blood test I had 2 months ago and it showed that I had a high white blood cell count (which only fuelled my fire as at the time of the test I didn't have any 'cold' symptoms and as others may know - high white blood cell count internet searches usually point you in the direction of terminal illnesses).

I will actually see my former regular doctor this Monday (an appointment I actually had to make almost 3 weeks ago) - though I have so many symptoms that I'm worried how to go about explaining - as the doctors seem to be overwhelmed with patients and as I have 5 minutes max - how am I going to blurt this all out in that time?