View Full Version : Scared to death I have premature ovarian failure

06-05-17, 15:34
Hi guys .. this is a long one but please please read and respond if you have any idea because this is really worrying and scaring me .. I haven't been on this site in a few months purely because I've been trying to get myself over stuff e.g I've been suffering TERRIBLY with widespread body twitches (which still haven't got any better) however I'm not so worried about them anymore as I've had them for a year so if it was anything serious I'd assume more would have happened by now.

I am now PETRIFIED and I mean PETRIFIED I am going through an early menopause.

Please please don't judge me, I know what I have done is COMPLETELY wrong but please if you're upset with me just don't reply because I have already tortured myself enough over this and I'm driving myself insane because I know I am a bad person :( but basically this time last year I had a termination of pregnancy because my mental health was all over the place, my boyfriend and I wasn't in a suitable position and basically it all went completely bad, I almost hemorridged which frightened the absolute life out of me. Personally I believe I deserved it to go that way because I shouldn't have done it in the first place and I regret it EVERY single day of my life. But you know what they say... god pays debts.

So basically a few months ago around February time my period stopped for 2 months. Just before my period arrived I had a couple of severe night sweats... I asked my nan 'have you ever had night sweats before' she innocently replied 'only when I was going through the menopause'. So obviously that set me into a spiral of panic, looking up symptoms etc and finding out about premature ovarian failure. I am now CONVINCED I have it.

These are my symptoms;
Periods are all over the place (every 6 weeks now)
Boobs become EXTREMELY sore 2-3 weeks before period
Get extra sweaty just before my period/during and shortly after period (not had severe night sweats however my top can be damp under my boobs when I wake up during that time)
I get REALLY hot (I feel like I've always had this but never taken any notice of it until now) they do feel like what I would think are hot flushes pulsing through the upper half of my body (mainly when I get stressed at work)
I have one dry eye
My periods are so much more painful than what they were a few months ago, I also get pelvic pain throughout the month
Heart palpitations
And to top it all off.... this month about a week ago I spotted for a week

Absolutely brilliant. I have no children because I ruined my chance of having kids last year and now I know I'm never going to have them because of my selfish act.

Please please can someone reassure me that they've had all of these symptoms and it wasn't the menopause; it was just a hormonal imbalance from stress or a poor diet or something.

I'm also waiting on my smear results as I had my first one a few days ago (I'm 24) which is shitting me up :(

Please reply if you have any ideas other than the menopause whatnit could be

Thank you guys and please try not to judge me (I know it's hard) :(

06-05-17, 15:54
No judging, just common logic and facts. The average age to start menopause is 51. While there have been some documented cases of early onset menopause (under 40), it's extremely rare. A simple blood test will determine this.

Personally, as with 99.9999% of the fears posted on this forum, it's just that (a fear) IMO.

Positive thoughts

07-05-17, 22:15
Thank you for your response ... it's just the symptoms are EXACTLY life it . And someone has gotta get it, right? I just dunno. I'm sick of worrying about everything :( I'm so tired c

Catherine S
07-05-17, 22:23
No judgement here either Rihanna, ive been through this too in my 40s and I still think about it 20 years later. However, nobody here can diagnose you, only offer support. The list of symptoms you've given us should really be given to your doctor, and as Fishmanpa said, a simple blood test will tell you what's going on hormone-wise.

Take care
ISB x x