View Full Version : Does this sound like a anxiety?

Lady Penelope
06-05-17, 16:09
I had a problem with health anxiety last year and was getting daily panic attacks. I always thought I was having a heart attack and about to die. Anyway with the help of anti-depression pills, CBT and a mindfullness course I seem to have it all more or less under control.
However - today I was at the hairdresser having a colour applied. I was waiting for it to take and found I had zig zag lines in the corner of my left eye and I could not focus properly. I started feeling a bit nauseous and had tingling in the left side of my face. I left without getting my hair cut or dried and came home. I now feel really tired and have a mild headache on the left side. I keep wondering if I have had a mini stroke? But then keep telling myself it's anxiety.it was very hot and noisy in the hairdresser and I was sitting with the colour on for about forty five minutes when this happened. I used to suffer from migraine but have not had one for about fifteen years now. Any help or advice please?

06-05-17, 18:05
In my opinion, its anxiety. You had or have anxiety problems in the past. Believe me I know where your coming from especially with heart issues. Same thing you described happened to me ay gym over a year ago. Paramedics even thought it might be stroke. Well after ER visits and alot of testing no stroke. Now my anxiety is on heart and constant GI issues. Anxiety/ Depression can and do crazy ghings to your body. Watch this https://youtu.be/WrLfQ6ipYYs start around 8 minute mark for what your talking about or watch while thing...good luck get your hair done....

07-05-17, 01:54
I know that flashing in vision can be caused by using a computer too much (eye strain). Its anxiety or a migraine in my opinion, either way it is easily cured.

As the numbness is concerned, that is a classic anxiety symptom. Doesn't matter where it occurs, as nerves are all over our bodies.

Lady Penelope
07-05-17, 09:17
Thanks for talking the time and trouble to reply. I have watched the video - think I have had all them symptoms at one time or another!

08-05-17, 06:40
This sounds like a migraine to me. I always get the aura followed by the tingling and headache on one side. I had 2 migraines in 2 days recently after not having one for many years. I have been under stress and tired so think this might of brought it on. X

08-05-17, 08:54
Spinds like a panic attack to me. I have lots og those - try to stay next time, running away it not the best solution :)

Lady Penelope
08-05-17, 09:52
This sounds like a migraine to me. I always get the aura followed by the tingling and headache on one side. I had 2 migraines in 2 days recently after not having one for many years. I have been under stress and tired so think this might of brought it on. X

Thank you - it certainly felt like the aura I used to get before a migraine. It left me feeling a bit washed out for the rest of the day so very tired. A few people have suggested it could be a reaction to the chemicals in the hair dye?
It was left on for almost an hour. Has put me off having my hair coloured at the hairdresser - might do it at home in future. Going back tomorrow for my haircut!