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07-05-17, 01:53
Absolutely incredible video:


29-04-21, 15:14
This video is worth bumping up. Unreal!

29-04-21, 16:03
Why have you bumped this up 4 years later and I am not going to watch it as I know what happens and it is upsetting.

29-04-21, 16:04
Thanks for the heads-up, Nic!

29-04-21, 16:25

29-04-21, 16:27
What do you mean what?

29-04-21, 16:29
Well take it down then. I found it interesting not upsetting. It's from the BBC Nature program.

29-04-21, 16:44
Its a polar bear diving and killing a seal, then dragging its bloodied body onto an ice flow - for anyone who would like a warning. Its brilliant BBC nature work, but not sure why this clip is relevant or any better than any of the others ? Its life, just animals being natural animals, and its doesn't upset me - but I query why you posted it.

29-04-21, 16:52
Hi Carys

I was just skimming through old posts on the misc thread and stumbled upon that old post by me. I didn't even remember it tbh. I watched and like you thought it was pretty interesting as well as phenomenal camera work. I've always loved nature. So I bumped it up. Amazing the bear came up with it. It wasn't really gory I didn't think.

I'd love to see others post nature videos.

29-04-21, 17:00
Yeah, it was gone down a really long time, I actually remember seeing this when it was first shown on t.v. I never miss a BBC nature documentary, the skill of the camera-work is just beyond belief. Have you see then one with snakes, hundreds of them all chasing, ummm, gosh what was it now, a furry little critter of some sort through a valley, or was it an iguana ?

Some people will be upset by this Noivous, as will be rooting for the fat cuddly seal and don't like to see animals killing each other, you should give a warning. Just wondering if you posted it due to some symbolism you saw/had seen, but you were just skimming old posts :)

OK, found it, look up 'Iguana chased by killer snakes' on youtube (I'm not posting it on here for obvious reasons), its from Planet Earth 2. Spoiler - the iguana makes it. (turn your sound up)

29-04-21, 17:12
No no symbolism 🤣

I haven't seen that one but it sounds amazing. I remember watching one on elephants in Africa. There was one huge male called Dionysus who stood 11.5 feet at the shoulder (think about that he was taller than 2 6ft men put together). I remember as he sauntered through a massive congregation of elephants a path would just open up and the other elephants would reach out with their trunks and touch him as he walked by...like they were paying homage. It was unreal. I think that was BBC too.

29-04-21, 17:14
Yeah, it was gone down a really long time, I actually remember seeing this when it was first shown on t.v. I never miss a BBC nature documentary, the skill of the camera-work is just beyond belief. Have you see then one with snakes, hundreds of them all chasing, ummm, gosh what was it now, a furry little critter of some sort through a valley, or was it an iguana ?

Some people will be upset by this Noivous, as will be rooting for the fat cuddly seal and don't like to see animals killing each other, you should give a warning. Just wondering if you posted it due to some symbolism you saw/had seen, but you were just skimming old posts :)

OK, found it, look up 'Iguana chased by killer snakes' on youtube (I'm not posting it on here for obvious reasons), its from Planet Earth 2. Spoiler - the iguana makes it. (turn your sound up)

I'll find it. Thanks a lot!

29-04-21, 17:31
They were Racer snakes Carys, waiting to ambush the iguanas on the Galapagos Islands.

I grew up watching nature programmes so the polar bear/seal action is nature in the raw. Its all about survival, the polar bear doesn't make a conscious decision to persecute seals, either it kills or it starves to death. Far crueller by a country mile are human beings.

Last year I stood looking out the kitchen window in time to see a female sparrowhawk take a collared dove in mid flight.

29-04-21, 17:37
I was literally screaming whilst those racer snakes were moving in, it was so dramatic. I like snakes, so it wasn't fear, just the drama and speed. I was going to say Fish, that I find human beings behaviour hideous in comparison to animals. They just do what is required, 'we' have morality to use and make choices , but yet we hear stories of the mistreatment and death of the creatures around us. We 've had Eurasian sparrowhawks take woodpigeons in the garden, one chose to pull it apart and eat it right on the lawn. It was incredible, so I understand how interesting you found it.

29-04-21, 18:11
How bout the common house cat. Mine's gone now but she was jet black and quite the apex predator. It was something just to watch her sitting on the back deck waiting for the evening sun to go down. As soon as that sun got to a certain point she'd slide down into the grass and and even though she was right in front of you you couldn't even see her. She was on the hunt.

Though, just recently I saw a Fisher Cat going through my yard. It's the first and only time. They're very elusive and look like a small wolverine. I'm glad the cat didn't run into him...or maybe she did? The Fisher is one of the only animals that stalk porcupine as prey.

29-04-21, 20:02
I was literally screaming whilst those racer snakes were moving in, it was so dramatic. I like snakes, so it wasn't fear, just the drama and speed. I was going to say Fish, that I find human beings behaviour hideous in comparison to animals. They just do what is required, 'we' have morality to use and make choices , but yet we hear stories of the mistreatment and death of the creatures around us. We 've had Eurasian sparrowhawks take woodpigeons in the garden, one chose to pull it apart and eat it right on the lawn. It was incredible, so I understand how interesting you found it.You're exactly right Carys. Hunting safaris in Africa involve shooting big game with high velocity rifles for no other purpose than to pose with the dead animal. What other animal kills just to feed its ego?

Yes watching a raptor in action has a brutal beauty to it. Our sparrowhawk also dispatched the dove on the lawn. I stood fascinated for about 40 minutes while she ate her fill before taking off with the carcass. I've seen magpies bludgeon a baby starling to death but that's uglier and protracted because the corvids are opportunist scavengers without the specialist weapons to kill quickly and mercifully.

30-04-21, 15:48
Yes, I'm with you both with regard to trophy hunting (unless it's Democrats that is)😁. I don't hunt but have no issue with those who do as long as whatever is bagged is used as sustenance. If a person wants to go out deer hunting for venison fine. But to kill for no reason other than "sport" is to me is just being cruel.

30-04-21, 15:57
Amen to that, Noivous. Sorry I was a bit touchy earlier, it's been an, umm, interesting week.

We occasionally see a sparrowhawk in our area, and watching it hunt feels like a privilege. Both our cats are indoors only now (fox in the area) but one of them used to go hunting and bring home cooked sausages. No, I have no clue.

30-04-21, 20:37
Amen to that, Noivous. Sorry I was a bit touchy earlier, it's been an, umm, interesting week.

We occasionally see a sparrowhawk in our area, and watching it hunt feels like a privilege. Both our cats are indoors only now (fox in the area) but one of them used to go hunting and bring home cooked sausages. No, I have no clue.

Hey no sweat BI...we've all had those weeks! Plus you got your hands full trying to keep an eye on this bunch...especially me!:D

30-04-21, 20:38
Agreed. And if you like game meat but don’t have the means or the stomach for shooting it, roadkill can make a decent meal (and the creature didn’t die in vain)….

great point!

30-04-21, 20:39
Amen to that, Noivous. Sorry I was a bit touchy earlier, it's been an, umm, interesting week.

We occasionally see a sparrowhawk in our area, and watching it hunt feels like a privilege. Both our cats are indoors only now (fox in the area) but one of them used to go hunting and bring home cooked sausages. No, I have no clue.

Cooked sausages?! Now that's talent!

02-05-21, 14:34
I was literally screaming whilst those racer snakes were moving in, it was so dramatic. I like snakes, so it wasn't fear, just the drama and speed. I was going to say Fish, that I find human beings behaviour hideous in comparison to animals. They just do what is required, 'we' have morality to use and make choices , but yet we hear stories of the mistreatment and death of the creatures around us. We 've had Eurasian sparrowhawks take woodpigeons in the garden, one chose to pull it apart and eat it right on the lawn. It was incredible, so I understand how interesting you found it.

I watched your snakes and iguana video. Holy mackerel! It was like a horror movie lol. I was practically leaping out of my chair!

Great clip!

02-05-21, 19:46
Ha ha ! Yeah, thats what I meant by dramatic ! LOL Now imagine if you'd been given no warning about the drama and it came on during the programme ....

The cat is off cooking its own sausages, major talent !!

05-05-21, 08:36
This little guy shouldn't offend anyone's delicate sensibilities.

A brilliant artist.


05-05-21, 11:28
That is fabulous ! I love it, not seen that before. I love puffer fish.

05-05-21, 11:36
Lol - It was impressive! After that ya gotta believe he had some pretty good success with the ladies.

05-05-21, 11:45
Love that one :)

Also relevant: https://9gag.com/gag/avOAORZ

05-05-21, 13:38
Love that one :)

Also relevant: https://9gag.com/gag/avOAORZ

Hahaha! That's hilarious! Chirp Chirp😉

05-05-21, 13:46
You mind givin a fella a lift?


05-05-21, 13:49
Penguins 1, Orcas... well, probably quite a lot more than 1, but not that particular one.

05-05-21, 14:06
He made it!

25-05-21, 12:40
That is fabulous ! I love it, not seen that before. I love puffer fish.

I have not seen an actual puffer fish. That fish is amazing. Sea creatures are adorable yet mysterious.