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View Full Version : what would you stick into room 101???

03-05-07, 00:22
ok... random i know... but hey... had few glasses of wine and wanted to start something on a lighter note... so my question to you lot is

if you had the chance ~ what would you put into room 101???

(if you're not familiar with the programme, basically, what would you banish from this world forever?)

my answer would be....

speedos, moustashs, cheap tea towels that dont actually dry towels but just smear the water around a bit AND tesco (well just the stress it causes when i go there... grrr... i know GG, you'll agree with me on that one... well, you better had)

happy thinking you guys

03-05-07, 00:51
ooooo good one.
eeeeeeem Ann Robinson, Mint Aero, Jazz

03-05-07, 01:01
Housework/the whole 'size zero' thing/Eastenders/famous for nothing 'celebs'/debt/healthy eating.


03-05-07, 01:04
Food and psychiatrists

03-05-07, 09:10
Yep....definitely Tescos!!

Big Brother,

Sticky price labels that are welded to your purchase and won't come off,

Those huge security discs on clothes that leave holes right in the front

Whatever it is in your bag that makes the shop security buzzers off, even when you've paid for everything!

Oh, and men that like PINK!!!!!!


03-05-07, 11:39
nice one guys... GG... you just reminded me... that stupid plastic wrapping that seems to be welded together... the stuff that spoils any relaxing xmas day cos you gotta spend all f*ing day stabbing it with a knife then trying to prise it apart... by the time you've finished you fingers are bleeding and you're in need of a double vodka... and thats after spending half hour taking all the bendy wire of everything.... and thats just the first present... dam your family being generous and buying the kids 30 presents.... 1 down, 29 to go... oh f* it... all bl**dy wrapping can go in....

03-05-07, 11:57
ohhh i would definatley put my postman in room 101!:ohmy: All he ever seems to deliver latley is bills and more bills ! why cant he deliver something nice !:ohmy:


03-05-07, 12:23
I would put in teeth, we don't really need them anyway!!!
And poll tax!!!!!!!!!
Also, neighbours, lol.

03-05-07, 12:33
good one guys, lots of great ideas, i think i would put in:
spam, (as in the tinned sh*t)
also these microwave meals you get from farmfood, you know the meals for one that taste like crap and cost 99p.
Holly oaks (what alot of Sh*t)
anything bernard mathews too
and lats but not least buck fast the alcohol drink ( as i think its the source of all the vandalism and fights in the streets)

03-05-07, 13:12
Spiders,horrible ugly hairy things.:mad:

04-05-07, 05:45
I like this one....house cleaning, cigarettes, huge horse pills, pimples, zits, blemishes, weeds from my flower beds, snakes, dust, anxiety and panic (duh)

04-05-07, 09:09
Oh good one! :yesyes:

My list could of gone on forever! Here goes .....

Annoying skinny people who say "oh im so fat" when they're obviously a perfect 10!

Calories, because im sick of counting them and im only allowed 1000 a day which is really not enough and doesnt take into consideration that i need chocolate to live!

Rats and Mice, because they are my biggest phobia!

Wasps, because they are of no use to anyone and just ruin a perfectly good family day out!

Tea coloured wrinkly old men who insist on wearing thongs on the beach when im on holiday in Spain!

Cold callers who still call me even though im on the TPS list!

People who laugh at their own jokes!

But if I can only have one, this would have to be it.......

DJ Tim Westwood who despite being a white, middle class man over 30 acts like he is a teenager from an LA ghetto!!! Please let me have this one, it would improve my life forever!

Feel much better now, thanks
Julie :yesyes:

04-05-07, 10:24
Hi, I'd love to put the neighbours dog in Room 101 !!:blush: xx


04-05-07, 11:13
Aw Dave - but he's so much your type of doggy:winks: poor likkle thing!!

Am I allowed to add another one honeybee??

......the person who insists on starting up their hoover/chainsaw/electric sander the moment my bum hits the sunlounger - and then stops the moment I get up to go back indoors???:mad::mad:


04-05-07, 11:32
ok.... i have so much to say....

firstly... suprised only one person put anxiety into room 101... :shrug:

secondly... JulieAs45... you can so so so have tim mestwood... what a d*ck... i also agree with Tea coloured wrinkly old men who insist on wearing thongs on the beach when im on holiday in Spain! so so wrong.... i put spedos in cos i personally think they're bad enough but thongs :lac: .... infact any type of thongs should be banned unless you're a gorgeous size 8 toned female i recon...

thirdly... Dave777... can you put my fella's spotty dog into room 101 too??? i would but i might get a bit told off.... NEVER get a dalmation.... :lac:

forthly... GG... i've beaten you to it... in particular the man who decided to start chopping down a tree with a chain saw at half seven this morning... i mean, doesn't he realise there's an agoraphobic bum living next door that needs to get her beauty sleep... i dunno :lac:

04-05-07, 13:48
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Yeahhhhhhh Tim Westwood in Room 101!!! It dont get any better than that!

Thanx honeybee :flowers:
Julie x

04-05-07, 16:18
Oh, this could be such fun.

Litter/ litter louts. My biggest pet hate ever.

My boss. My second biggest pet hate ever (that is just at the moment. I usually like her!)

Kids vomiting bugs.

The plastic things that are used to keep tins of beer together. They strangle our wildlife!

Plastic in general, all plastic packaging, plastic chairs, plastic shoes, plastic......

Underarm hair, I mean, with evolution and all, we don't really need it....do we? Put excess eyebrows in here too. I hate plucking those damn things.

Thongs. AKA Butt torture.

New Mum's who are gorgeous, slim 2 hours after giving birth, and have babies who sleep through the night from age 1 week!

junk mail, even though I request not to get it.

Call centres.

Argos. especially on a Saturday. To heck, all shops on a saturday.

I am being so greedy here. I just love this thread!


04-05-07, 17:20
Well the top of my list would be WASPS!!!!!
But also I would like to suggest.....


the women who think showing buttcrack is sexy - EWWW

BB guns (I now have a hole in my car!!)

People who use the word "like" and "you know" in every sentence they speak!!!

The lady who lets her dog take a crap in my yard every morning. I swear I thought about turning the sprinklers on her but haven't had the cahones (sp) to do it yet!

Waif models - ban em or MAKE them eat a cheesburger!!!!

Paris Hilton - what good is she anyway?????!!!!!

TOFU - the most disgusting thing to try and pass for food EVER!!!!

I'm sure I'll be adding to that list later:winks:


04-05-07, 17:39
The French,
The Royal Family,
Tony Blair,
Pot Noodles,
The French,
Mobile Phones (well, irritating ringtones),
Anyone who takes more than 2minutes at a Cashpoint (ATM) (why do you need balance-receipts for all 12 accounts??)
The French,
Pubs which serve crap beer,
And Finally The French.

04-05-07, 17:43
Ok Ross is it just French people or everything French cuz I what french fries and french dressing left out of the room please. LOL

04-05-07, 17:50
Ok Ross is it just French people or everything French cuz I what french fries and french dressing left out of the room please. LOL

French Fries are Chips :mad:

French Dressing;

3/4 cup vegetable oil or olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 clove garlic, halvedWhy is it French? :shrug:


04-05-07, 17:54
Four wheel drives

Shopping Centre security guards

Jade Goodey's mouth

Every branch of McDonalds

Every branch of Starbucks

The Cilit Bang Man

04-05-07, 18:01
Chips come in a bag my friend!!!
French fries ARE THE BOMB!!!!!!!!

French dressing is the closest thing to french food I eat so there - LOL

By the way - chocolate and Mcdonald's ??? Ok now this thing is getting WAY out of hand- hahaha

04-05-07, 18:06
Four wheel drives

Shopping Centre security guards

Jade Goodey's mouth

Every branch of McDonalds

Every branch of Starbucks

The Cilit Bang Man

Barry Scott :weep: Why didn't I think of putting him in? :lac:

04-05-07, 18:07
O man a chance to rant YEEEEHAAAAAA

Truck drivers - when u take over another truck, don't drive side to side blowning kisses at each other

Reality TV - Why do you think we are interested in muppets lives? I have a window I can look out of

Chavs - I mean why? I was a punk, u had skins, rockers and mods, now u got no taste no brain dipsticks all queing up to get on the Jeremy Kylie show

Alan Sugar - Just cause you are loaded pal, don't give you the right to treat people like *****. Talk to me like that, and you would need that money for health care

People who say pull yourself together - Do I look like a pair of curtains?

Sounds systems under 100 watts a channel - Its a man thing ;)

Great Guitar players - Ok I am jealous

Man Utd - Who don't? apart from people in Surrey

I could go on forever


Mr Meldrew

04-05-07, 18:22


Mr Meldrew
can't be. That's my hubby!

Oh, put hubby in room 101 too! (Only tonight cos he is torn faced, he can get out when he is smilier!)


04-05-07, 18:38
Mint Aero ONLY!
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i cant possibly carry on without chocolate Ross, what is wrong with you man!!!!!!!!!!! no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ........... :weep: :weep:

04-05-07, 19:22
ha ha ha... so glad i started this... im in stiches....

ross.... why chocolate??? i thought you were alright, but i think i may have you all wrong....

Jaco45er.... chavs!!! why didn't i think of that??? i mean, what the f*ck??? and the jemery kyle show... well dont even talk to me about that load of boll*cks... and to think people actually watch that crap.... get a life... (sorry got a bit into that then)

eeyorelover... TOFU.... ha ha ha, so right about that... PARIS HILTON... almost as bad as chavs... THE DOG LADY.... f*ck it, set the sprinklers on her (but then you'd have runny poo to clean up instead.... EWWW)


04-05-07, 19:52
Ooooooooooooooooooo YES! At last my voice can be heard :sign20:

People who use 2 spaces to park 1 friggin' car

Robert Kilroy-Silk - only oranges are allowed to be that orange

Adverts - no I don't want a new sofa thanks DFS

Anxiety and panic of course!

Football (controversial :winks: )

BMWs, Audis, Mercs, Jags etc etc

Pop ups and spam

People who smash bus shelters

People who park in parent and child/disabled spaces when they're not

Loads more but I'll save them for later lol!

04-05-07, 20:01
Football? right I am off to Manchester to kick you're ass lad, only thing that can save you is getting the beers in ;)

04-05-07, 20:58
Chelsea Football Club... and Manchester United!!!! :D

04-05-07, 22:31
Can I take my 'man who likes PINK' out of the room for a while?....

....he's on reprieve.......

....and treading a very thin line....

....I may have to put him back at some point!

Is that allowed??


04-05-07, 22:36
I just love this thread!

i think GG that

Can I take my 'man who likes PINK' out of the room for a while?.... all marital/co habiting men should go there together! Except........mines has been ok tonight, I went out with victor meldrew and came back with .......... someone else!)
I forgot, I want hangovers put in, by tomorrow, pre 7am please............................................ ...............................)


05-05-07, 00:28
GG... you must realise this is a very serious thing here... by taking your man out you might encourage others to do the same... i mean, we dont want tim westwood or 'THE CHAVS' back now do we!!! just this once i will let you retrieve him from room 101 BUT i must enforce the rule that in future once thrown into room 101, nothing or noone can come back.... think carefully before banishing your things... you never know when you might need or want them in the future

05-05-07, 00:45
ok....gotta add

people who can afford to have OTHER people lay the sod in their front yard (me and my hubby just laid our own)

people who drive under 40mph and don't use a blinker

people who don't like people just cause their skinny

wrinkles (on clothes or skin)

winterfresh flavored gum and mints

Britney Spears and talk of Anna Nicole Smith and Lindsey Lohan

ponytail holders that don't hold your hair all day

people that constantly send you religious forwards that have a superstitious ending (i.e. bad luck if you dont forwaard to everyone you know) its SO contradictory

people who don't understand panic and anxiety

people that can come up with a vaccine for HPV but no cure for cancer

I'll be back later....Im sure

05-05-07, 05:57
I would like to add after seeing upatnight's entry.

Driver's who leave their blinkers on for miles and MILES!!!!


05-05-07, 09:28
Rangers Football Club (Sorry Manmoor ;) )

05-05-07, 10:05
Sorreeeee honeybeee....:flowers:

....I'll try and behave....!!!!:whistles:

I'll remember once he's back in......... it's for good :noangel:!!


Odd red socks....you know, the ones that dye your whites a yukky PINK in the washing machine!:shades:


05-05-07, 10:35
Picture Loans adverts, people that spit :lac:, dogs that poop on the pavement, anyone that is cruel to animals.


08-05-07, 00:10
socks that are lost forever in dryer, where do they go?

any teen between the ages of 13 to 17 (lol, sorry bad day with my teen)

drivers who stay on your tail when they know you are behind another car and can't pass

young people who won't use sunscreen

rich people who don't give back

Laura :)

08-05-07, 03:32
Okay, I'm back with some more

sales people who let you walk in a store, look around, and leave without ever acknowleding your existance.

people at drive through windows who don't say a word to you

people that interject themselves in everyone elses conversations and then overstay their welcome

people who don't like animals

having to wash clothes...did I already say that one??

People that do not stop at crosswalks to let pedestrians have the right of way