View Full Version : Crater like hole behind tooth + Other mouth symptoms (Panicking)

07-05-17, 03:36
I am 23 years old and barely drink and do not smoke cigarettes and over the last month or so, It seems like there have been some weird and concerning dental symptoms that have been going on. I think one of my wisdom teeth are coming in because I can see a tooth sort of sticking out on the side and it looked different compared to the other side of the mouth. for a few days, There was some pain in and around the area. every time i would swallow, Its like the muscles would stretch and it would be painful in that area but not in the throat or anything. After a few days, the pain just about completely went away. Once in a while, there would be some minor jaw pain on that side and whenever i move my tongue to the tooth beside the "wisdom" tooth, I can suddenly smell a foul odor and taste a weird taste. Like i said, eventually the pain went away but the worrying didnt stop for me.I thought my whole mouth just did not look normal at all. My gums on the lower part of the mouth started to become more irritated and a section would sting when I brushed my teeth in that area. I also would notice myself spitting up these white stringy globs. and the top part of my mouth looks weird. there are white patches all over. Eventually I stretched the mouth a bit and I noticed what looked like a crater right behind where what I think the wisdom tooth is. I touched it and it felt very odd like it was swollen.I went to the dentist a month before all of these symptoms even started happening for the salivary glands on the floor of my mouth looking blocked and they said since you always breathe through the mouth, your mouth is constantly dry. They also said there is nothing concerning going on in the mouth. Plus the use of asthma medications can trigger dry mouth. I can barely breathe through the nose because I have a deviated septum. My mouth does not look normal to me at all and it is really worrying me. Please give me some advice and info to help ease my stress.