View Full Version : Extremely Worried about possible HPV

07-05-17, 03:40
I am a nervous wreck because I've been worried that I can possibly have HPV. It all started about a year and a half ago when I stupidly received oral sex from someone that can be labeled as a prostitute. Ever since then, Things just haven't been the same for me. Every little symptom that occurs worries me even if im probably over reacting. Since theres no possible test to detect HPV in men, I don't know for sure if i have it or not. Some of these symptoms include my urethra tip looking inflamed, red, and scaly like a pair of lips or something. Up to a day after this sexual encounter, I felt a tingling feeling in my penis or something but it wasnt anything serious. I thought it could be due to a skin reaction because on the same day of this encounter, I washed my penis with HAND SOAP and water. But now a year and a half later, the same thing is still there but the tip of my penis looks a bit wrinkled and tan. There is also a slight drip after urination as well. Ive told the doctor about this and he thinks it doesnt look concerning and it could be from rubbing against clothing. There also looks like a single wart or a papule on the bottom of the shaft that looks worrying to me. This wart doesnt itch or hurt at all though and i feel like its been there for years but now it looks bigger. Ive been putting diluted tea tree oil on the penis for a few days now. Other symptoms that are worrying me are weird mouth symptoms. I think my wisdom tooth is coming in and Idk if that is whats causing symptoms in the mouth or its an HPV infection that i dont know about. There seems to be an infection behind the molar where the wisdom tooth is coming in that looks abnormal (Looks like a small crater in the palate or something) (I always tend to worry if its cancer caused by HPV or not). I also tend to spit out white globs from the mouth. and my gums have been irritating me alot more lately but again idk if this is because of the wisdom tooth. Another weird symptom that's been stressing me out is a swollen lymph node in the left side of the neck and a swollen lymph node in the back of the neck on the right side. These lymph nodes tend to shrink and rise throughout the day. I do have asthma and A deviated septum which causes me to barely be able to breathe through my nose. But I've had these problems for years and just noticed the enlarged lymph nodes months ago which is why im concerned that it can be linked to an HPV infection in my system. Just recently, Ive developed this constant clog feeling in my throat that causes me to constantly have to clear the throat. It can go off and on for hours. I cant help but have a feeling that this is all linked to HPV in some way and am worried about this.. Any information and advice to help ease my stress would be highly appreciated.

07-05-17, 05:27
Join the 75+% of reproductive age adults that have it.... including moi.

There's something like 100 or so strains and only a few are potentially troublesome. As someone who has it and had it affect me profoundly, I can tell you that I never heard it manifesting in the way you describe. Your very young age also puts you a category that 99% rules out anything sinister. Your post reflects a great amount of self examination and focus on an event that clearly your having some difficulty processing.

Your legitimate issues such as asthma and deviated septum certainly sound like they're the main contributor to most of your symptoms (although a dentist may be in order). That and an anxious mind combined with real life events have got your dragon breathing fire.

So... IF indeed you have HPV (along with most of the population), there's not much you can do about it and the likely hood of it causing any issues in the future is negligible at best.

Positive thoughts

07-05-17, 23:50
Thanks a lot for the response. My anxiety has went down a bit. Maybe I am just a bit over paranoid. I have a dentist appointment on the 10th and will definitely be addressing these concerns. Much appreciated for your words.

09-05-17, 14:28
Hi Miller,
I am also had similar exposure as you and thought all kind of serious std's including your fear.. i had stomach issue for long time, cleared out with naturopath treatment. now i do have some kind of throat difficulty dont know what it is.
but i remember the day it started. that day i was seriously looking for my different symptoms in web and seeing various forums more than 4 hours and my mouth was too dry did not drink water as well. since i was looking laptop down and felt like gas trapped in neck. from that day i have this feeling. just think about yours.

If your fear is only with the above std, i would try to increase my immunity which is easy to do. Go for Naturopath like Ayurveda or Sidha, no side effects and i know they have very good treatment for oral & stomach cancers.