View Full Version : chronic low body temperature, have not been able to produce a fever

07-05-17, 06:40
I have been suffering from chronic low body temperature and constipation since 2014. My temperature drop to 97.4 sometimes. I also have not been able to produce a fever since early 2014. Although sometimes when I go to a sauna, my body feels as if it wants to break into a fever but cannot.

Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms?

07-05-17, 13:21
Produce a fever? Why in earth would you want to do that ?

I've charted my temperature for several years (tracking ovulation through perimenopause) my normal body temperature is in the 96's. It is totally normal and I am healthy.

07-05-17, 14:20
With respect, how is a normal body temperature a symptom of anything? Normal body temp. is 97-99. A point plus or minus is not of concern either.

Positive thoughts

07-05-17, 14:36
Exactly as Fishmanpa says absolutely nothing to worry about if it was 100 plus or below 95 then you might be right to be concerned, you are fine :) Cheers

08-05-17, 02:04
I've had some basal body temperatures in the 95's.. us girls just tease each other about being in the deep freeze.

Interstingly enough... I can have a hot flash and feel like I'm going to spontaneously combust... and have a temp in the 96's.

I know, off topic but it's an interesting ride.

Catherine S
08-05-17, 02:20
Nothing personal here, but are all Americans obsessed with bodily function numbers? I doubt that many British people would ever bother to ask, and our doctors hardly ever bother to tell us unless really pushed to. Even with an online system where we could look results up, not many of us actually would want to know. Just telling us we're ill...or not...is enough, no need to blind us with science doctor thank you, just give us the pills and we'll be on our way.

All those numbers baffle me completely, and have to say that ive seen evidence that this information just serves to fuel health anxiety even more....this thread being a case in point :shrug:


08-05-17, 02:34
Not obsessed at all here. I charted my basal body temperature through perimenopause as a form of birth control and tracking ovulation to know when to expect a period. It worked perfectly ... and my dr was able to use the info in my charts to track my bleeding to know what was a menstrual cycle and what was uterine shedding due to low progesterone.