View Full Version : Anxiety, how does it affect you?

07-05-17, 09:36
Hey Guys,

As some of you will know I have a blog (pmacorner.com) that I started a month or so ago. In this blog I talk about my journey with Depression/Anxiety, and I also do blogs around how it affects me day to day, and the symptoms. I do this to show people they're not alone, and in the hopes to help educate those who don't fully understand it (more so my nearest and dearest).

What I would really love though, is to offer my readers more than just my perspective. It would be good if some of you could help and contribute (anonymously of course), you can do so by maybe writing a blog that you want to be uploaded, or by helping me write one of mine.

I would like to do a blog on how Anxiety affects us all, you know, to find some of the more common feelings/symptoms.

How does Anxiety affect you? What are your biggest fears? What symptoms do you feel?

What I would like is to take your answers to these questions, and put them into a blog. I can do this with completely anonymity or I can put your name/username at the bottom of your quote, completely up to you.

My blog has a modest amount of followers, but the ones I do have, have said they've found it really helpful. It would just be good for them to hear from others, as well as me :) Any help/input would be greatly appreciated.