View Full Version : Tapping for health anxiety?

07-05-17, 10:19
I came across EFT on YouTube, you tap certain areas while saying affirmations. Has anyone heard of or tried this before for their anxiety?

08-05-17, 06:18
I've tried it; it sort of works, though not sure if just by distracting your mind, the placebo effect or something else. It seems to calm me down, and stop obsessive health thoughts. Though the last time I did it, I was driving and forgot to see if the lights had changed and got hooted at by the car behind me...hence making me more stressed...

10-05-17, 13:12
There are a few threads around about it but I remember discussing it on this one and finding some backing from NHS workers as well as studies:


It's worth a go as it's very cheap to start from a book. There are plenty of online resources too.