View Full Version : Work Anxiety. Thoughts?

07-05-17, 13:56
Hi all, this is my first time posting a thread so I'm sort if its In the wrong place.

I've had anxiety/'panic disorder' for about 5 years now. Thankfully I dont have panic attacks much anymore, but anxiety still plagues me everyday of my life and with the accompanying physical symptoms.

I've always struggled with work. Its all I can think about. Even if I have a week off, all I can think about is my next shift and how awful its going to be. I've been working as a support worker for nearly a year and I think I want to study to become a nurse or Occupational therapist in the future, so I'm building experience.
My problem is my anxiety has taken over my life again and makes work a real struggle, as it does after about a year in each job (like clockwork). I've applied for new jobs and have interviews next week (one for a care home and one for HMV), just because i want to escape and put this job behind me. But this I what I always do! I panic and leave a job, only for the same thing to happen a year later. And if I leave care work I might as well give up on training to be a nurse because I need the experience, but a job at HMV sounds a lot more chilled and I can see myself 'enjoying' it a little more. But then ill feel like I'm going backwards.

Does anyone here have any experience with this? I just want to run away and live in a forest to escape it all.

Sorry for the waffley post. Hope you guys are doing okay.

Floyd x

07-05-17, 18:13
I have problems with work too.

Normally I get anxiety due to being asked to do stuff I'm not comfortable with. However it also creeps up when I apply for new jobs and then I get anxious wishing they don't contact me for interview.

At the moment I am anxious because I've started a new job I dislike and all I can think about is my old job and wishing I hadn't moved.

I feel like my career has derailed and it's making me so anxious for the future.

I am having anxiety attacks at work where I need to sit in the toilet to calm myself down.