View Full Version : Can one bad sunburn in childhood equal definite skin cancer in adulthood?

07-05-17, 19:28
Hi All,

I'm suffering with a severe phobia of skin cancer at the moment. My question is in the title. I'm 35 and when I was 12 I suffered with a severe bout of sunburn on my arm whilst on a family holiday. It blistered really bad and very deep, I have burnt since then and was stupid enough to dabble with sun beds also which I deeply regret. I'm fair freckly with blue eyes. I'm terrified it's inevitable x

07-05-17, 19:43
It's not inevitable. Higher risk? Maybe. But not inevitable.

07-05-17, 19:46
Like smoking puts you at a higher risk of lung cancer? I'm going out of my mind and know I need to calm down x

07-05-17, 20:48
Can one bad sunburn in childhood equal definite skin cancer in adulthood?

Like smoking puts you at a higher risk of lung cancer? I'm going out of my mind and know I need to calm down x

Theoretically? Perhaps there's some ridiculously minute number that one could put on that but I don't think they've spent any money on researching that. Besides, even if you were to develop some kind of skin cancer in your lifetime, how would they know if that was the cause?

As with anything in life, there's a possibility of being stricken with some event that defies odds but this one? I don't think so.

Positive thoughts

07-05-17, 21:26
It's a major anxiety of mine at the minute and guidelines do say that sunburn especially in childhood increases your risk especially within my colouring. I am in scanning mode and high alert at the minute so everything I'm seeing is making me think this is it. I guess I am just after some logic and factual information and you have both offered that, thank you x

07-05-17, 23:35
There is not a 100% chance of skin cancer if you had a sunburn in childhood, if that's what you're asking.

I know living with the reality of how you upped your risk is the absolute worst- I was just diagnosed with skin cancer last week (not melanoma)- but if you get it, you get it. The only thing you can do is check but not fanatically, and monitor your moles and spots and scars and everything. In my case that is very hard to do, as I have bad skin and am covered in junk. The best you can do is try and deal with it IF it comes.

Captain irrational
07-05-17, 23:52
Hi All,

I'm suffering with a severe phobia of skin cancer at the moment. My question is in the title. I'm 35 and when I was 12 I suffered with a severe bout of sunburn on my arm whilst on a family holiday. It blistered really bad and very deep, I have burnt since then and was stupid enough to dabble with sun beds also which I deeply regret. I'm fair freckly with blue eyes. I'm terrified it's inevitable x

It's not inevitable. It's not even probable. In fact it's so highly unprobable it's not even worth registering it on your worry meter. Let me put it this way, millions upon millions of people get sunburnt from time to time. The overwhelming majority them never get skin cancer.

08-05-17, 00:01
Thank you all for your kind responses. Nevus, I'm sorry you have had to go through the stress of your diagnosis, my dad had basal cell three years ago, I think that's where this recent fear has manifested from x

08-05-17, 00:23
I am 53. When I was a kid, sunscreen was "you look like you are getting red, put your shirt on." I am very fair skinned. I burned regularly as a kid--- blistered often. As kids, we would peel each other's skin after sunburning. As I said, I am 53. No skin cancer so far.

08-05-17, 00:40
Thank you that has really reassured me. I do often think as well as risk factors it could also be in your genes x

08-05-17, 02:15
I am 53. When I was a kid, sunscreen was "you look like you are getting red, put your shirt on." I am very fair skinned. I burned regularly as a kid--- blistered often. As kids, we would peel each other's skin after sunburning. As I said, I am 53. No skin cancer so far.

Same here. I'm 57. My mom used to roust me out of bed in the summer to go lay in the sun. I tanned every summer as a teenager. Vacations in Florida were about laying on the beach. My 40's were about tanning in a tanning bed for 3 to 4 months out of the year to have some color.

I watch.. I've had some suspicious looks spots removed. No skin cancer.

08-05-17, 03:42
Thank you all for your kind responses. Nevus, I'm sorry you have had to go through the stress of your diagnosis, my dad had basal cell three years ago, I think that's where this recent fear has manifested from x

Thanks for this.....and I just want to say I love how you called me "Nevus"- Freudian slip, per chance? lol

Unfortunately, this experience of getting the biopsy and then getting the diagnosis set off some hypochondria that I had pretty well controlled. Instead of the spot I actually have, I am now searching for it elsewhere, imagining I am going to gave to get my face removed (my BCC is on my shoulder) and also imagining other noncancer catastrophes. Oh dear.

08-05-17, 09:34
Haha yes apologies definitely an oversight on my part NervUs.

Thank you NancyW, if we only knew then what we know now and how much it would effect us I would have lived undercover �� X

08-05-17, 10:02
Every summer I get sunburnt. Infact this is me today ...


I've had Cancer (testicle cancer), my Dad died of Cancer this year. His Dad died in his 40's from Cancer.

Trust me ... I'm f**ked for the future. It will get me too. It already has. I have faulty genes.

Life is far to short for worrying about "what if". My advice is to just enjoy every day because in life tomorrow is never a guarantee.

Sunburn in childhood will not cause Cancer in adulthood.

08-05-17, 17:24
Ouch that looks painful but have definitely been there before. I will definitely be covering and factoring up from now on