View Full Version : Concussion - help

07-05-17, 21:28
Today I walked into a doorframe and hit the side of my left temple. I do not have any bump. I wouldn't be worried about it, but I've been pretty nauseous since it happened. The force made me fall backward. I did not hit my head when I fell backward. No headache, no other symptoms. Pupils are normal. Do I have a brain bleed or concussion? Help, I'm nervous. Why am I nauseous?

Clydesdale Epona
07-05-17, 23:46
My initial thought would be if you do not have any other symptoms you'll be fine or at worse have s tiny mild one x in any case if its still worrying it doesn't hurt to make an appointment x

All the best :hugs:

08-05-17, 02:33
I spoke to nurse who said I'm likely fine and to rest and call back if my symptoms worsen. Made me feel better, but I still feel nauseous and now have a mild headache. Does that warrant calling back? The headache could be from a barking dog but the nausea started right after the bump. Still no lump or any other symptoms. Pupils are fine. I'm scared. Almost 8 hours since my bump. Fearing dying in my sleep or other such nonsense.

08-05-17, 04:08
The anxiety could be causing you to be nauseous. The kind of vomitting that would warrant a 911 call would be if its vicious vomiting with a horrible headache. If your systems progress to that then yes call 911 and don't attempt to drive. But it sounds like you're fine, just keep an eye out for the next several days.

08-05-17, 04:09
Several days? I thought it was only the first 24hrs?

08-05-17, 04:12
Several days? I thought it was only the first 24hrs?

That's why people are suggesting this is anxiety ;)

Positive thoughts and bumps on the head

08-05-17, 04:23
That's why people are suggesting this is anxiety ;)

Positive thoughts and bumps on the head

Fish - I'm not following? (Now worried that's a sign my mental clarity is suffering due to a head injury).

08-05-17, 04:29
I say several days just in case, because things can happen in that window although it is rare...very rare. Like fishmanpa says though it does sound like anxiety

08-05-17, 05:11
A headache is very likely given you've banged your head. You would expect bruising/aching anywhere on the body after a bang.

Nausea can occur with bangs anyway. It's vomiting you look out for and obviously a period of unconsciousness.

Headaches alone can make you feel nauseous.

If there was any concern from the nurse you would have been advised to head to A&E. They say top monitor but I doubt they feel there is much likelihood of anything developing further.

08-05-17, 05:31
thanks terry. this helped. :)

08-05-17, 14:38
Still struggling. It's morning now and I still feel a bit nauseous and headachey. I was reallllly hoping I didn't have a concussion but I guess I do if still nauseous (per the doc I spoke to yesterday). So now I'm scared again/still. I will see my doc this afternoon which is good. Still scared though. I'm also confused that I could get a concussion by walking into a post. I would think it would take a harder hit.

08-05-17, 14:49
I'll bet on "no concussion"... any takers? ;)

I'm sure your doctor will tell you just that. I have a "Told ya so!" all ready.

Positive thoughts

08-05-17, 15:06
Fish I hope you're right. The 2 nurses I spoke to yesterday said I likely have a mild concussion based solely on the symptom of being nauseous.

08-05-17, 15:20
Jules... you've been really anxious the last few days as evidenced by your posts. I don't doubt you had a bit of a head ache after bumping your head. It's a normal reaction to doing so but you really would have had to whack it hard (like seeing stars hard) to get a concussion.... even a mild one. Nausea due to anxiety is really common. Heck, during my wife's illness I would wake up in the morning and practically throw up! I had headaches, twitches, chest pain and all sorts of stress related symptoms. Totally stress related. They've all calmed down (sans the chest pain which turns out to be a change in heart meds needed) since things have chilled a bit.

Let us know what the doc says...

Positive thoughts

08-05-17, 18:46
You're so right, Fish. I guess I'm confused because the whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense to me so that is what's triggering my HA. I like to make sense of stuff as a way of lowering my HA.

I've whacked my head a few times in the last year, none of which triggered my HA. At least one of those times I saw stars, and all resulted in a lump. This time there was no lump, no stars... and yet I had a lot of nausea immediately that lasted all day. I'm surprised I haven't thrown up from it. So the whole thing makes me concerned that I might have a concussion - but then I also wonder how I'd have a concussion without a bump (even though my helpful hubby is telling me of course that's possible).

Anyway I wasn't feeling anxious this morning and was actually absorbed in working when the world tilted and I got really nauseous all of a sudden. So now I'm anxious again...

08-05-17, 23:01
I saw my doc. It's a mild concussion. :( So of course now I'm freaked out. I've never had a concussion. She told me to lay low for a few days and rest and not to get knocked in the head again while healing. I have a young child and get bumped a lot with little rest. My only reassurance is that the doctor did not seem overly concerned about me at all... but I'm freaked out!

08-05-17, 23:17
Well I guess I can't say "Told ya so!" but I can say "I sorta told you so!" ;) There's absolutely no reason to be freaked but I know these words will fall on anxiety muffled ears so I'll just say "feel better soon"

Positive thoughts

08-05-17, 23:18
Fish - have you ever had a concussion? Your words don't fall on deaf ears actually. :)

08-05-17, 23:32
Yeah... from a bike fall and no helmet many years ago. My head bounced off the pavement. Other than a lump and feeling a little off for a few days, I was fine. OTC pain meds and chill out was all.

Positive thoughts

08-05-17, 23:32
Ok thanks Fish. Glad your noggin is ok. :)